Journal of Hangzhou Teachers College(Humanities and Social Sciences)
瓦尔特·本雅明 机械复制时代 艺术 技术
瓦爾特·本雅明 機械複製時代 藝術 技術
와이특·본아명 궤계복제시대 예술 기술
Walter Benjamin; the age of mechanical reproduction; art; technology
Walter Benjamin pointed out that the position in art field of story, novel and news splitting by epic has changed along with the times. With the disappearance of the aura of traditional art, new art forms, such as the film, are showing new artistic function in the age of mechanical reproduction. In The Crisis of the Novel, The Storyteller- Reflections on the Works of Nikolai Leskov and The Work of Art in the Age of lts Technological Reproduction, Benjamin made an in-depth discussion on the chan- ging art forms of story, novel, news and film in the art chain and the relationship between art and technology, and further put forward his thoughts of artistic development, that is, any era has its own art. Moreover, he emphasized that technological ad- vances in literature and art would ultimately change the form, style of acceptance and function of art, thus, we should pay spe- cial attention to the revolutionary potentials of modem technology for the art.