Journal of Central South Huiversity: Social Science
银行 指标 二级规划 两阶段网络DEA模型 交叉效率
銀行 指標 二級規劃 兩階段網絡DEA模型 交扠效率
은행 지표 이급규화 량계단망락DEA모형 교차효솔
bank;indicator;the secondary planning;two-stage network DEA model;cross efficiency
已有“自评”两阶段网络 DEA 模型未能考虑其他决策单元指标权重取值情况,且存在权重向量非唯一的可能。文章对原有“自评”模型进行指标权重向量唯一化的二级规划,引入交叉效率的“自互评”模式构建了两阶段网络交叉效率模型,将商业银行运营过程分为以存款作为中间产出指标的两个相关联阶段,并对2009—2013年间我国16家上市商业银行进行了效率分析。结果显示,我国上市银行整体效率比较稳定,尚有较大提升空间,各类银行效率差异不大,且有趋同的趋势;盈利效率差异化不明显且变动平缓,吸储效率更能影响综合效率的结果。与“自评”模型相比,两阶段网络交叉效率模型评价客观,稳定性更强。
已有“自評”兩階段網絡 DEA 模型未能攷慮其他決策單元指標權重取值情況,且存在權重嚮量非唯一的可能。文章對原有“自評”模型進行指標權重嚮量唯一化的二級規劃,引入交扠效率的“自互評”模式構建瞭兩階段網絡交扠效率模型,將商業銀行運營過程分為以存款作為中間產齣指標的兩箇相關聯階段,併對2009—2013年間我國16傢上市商業銀行進行瞭效率分析。結果顯示,我國上市銀行整體效率比較穩定,尚有較大提升空間,各類銀行效率差異不大,且有趨同的趨勢;盈利效率差異化不明顯且變動平緩,吸儲效率更能影響綜閤效率的結果。與“自評”模型相比,兩階段網絡交扠效率模型評價客觀,穩定性更彊。
이유“자평”량계단망락 DEA 모형미능고필기타결책단원지표권중취치정황,차존재권중향량비유일적가능。문장대원유“자평”모형진행지표권중향량유일화적이급규화,인입교차효솔적“자호평”모식구건료량계단망락교차효솔모형,장상업은행운영과정분위이존관작위중간산출지표적량개상관련계단,병대2009—2013년간아국16가상시상업은행진행료효솔분석。결과현시,아국상시은행정체효솔비교은정,상유교대제승공간,각류은행효솔차이불대,차유추동적추세;영리효솔차이화불명현차변동평완,흡저효솔경능영향종합효솔적결과。여“자평”모형상비,량계단망락교차효솔모형평개객관,은정성경강。
The existing “self-evaluation” two-stage network DEA model has not considered the indicator weight values of other decision-making units, and is not likely to be the only weight vector. This article implements the secondary planning which makes the indicator weight vector the only one, and introduces the “self-mutual evaluation” model of cross efficiency to construct the two-stage network cross efficiency model. And then, with the process of bank efficiency evaluation being divided into two related phases with the deposit being an intermediate output indicator, the article studies efficiencies of the 16 listed commercial banks in China from 2009 to 2013. Results show that the efficiencies of listed commercial banks in China as a whole is stable and has large room to be improved. The differences of efficiencies between all kinds of banks are not obvious, and these banks have the tendency of convergence. Their profit efficiencies level off without obvious differences, and the efficiency to absorb funds at the first stage can better control the banks’ synthesis efficiency. Compared with the previous “self-evaluation” model, this two-stage network cross efficiency model can evaluate more objectively with stronger stability.