Journal of Central South Huiversity: Social Science
《朝鲜王朝实录》 《文选》 中朝文化交流 朝鲜汉学 海外汉学
《朝鮮王朝實錄》 《文選》 中朝文化交流 朝鮮漢學 海外漢學
《조선왕조실록》 《문선》 중조문화교류 조선한학 해외한학
Record of the Joseon Dynasty; Anthology of Zhaoming; cultural exchange between China and Korea;Sinology in Korea; Sinology overseas
《朝鲜王朝实录》真实记录了朝鲜王朝自1392 年建国至1910 年灭亡绵延五百年的史实,是研究朝鲜与东亚各国历史及关系的基础资料.昭明太子萧统主编的《文选》传入古代朝鲜半岛后,引起了朝鲜文臣们的高度重视,他们大力推荐《文选》,一度欲将《文选》引入李朝的科举考试科目,这些在《实录》中都有体现.《文选》对李朝时期的政治、外交、文化等方面都产生了重要影响,从《朝鲜王朝实录》所见资料可以窥见《文选》在朝鲜李朝时期的重要地位和价值.
《朝鮮王朝實錄》真實記錄瞭朝鮮王朝自1392 年建國至1910 年滅亡綿延五百年的史實,是研究朝鮮與東亞各國歷史及關繫的基礎資料.昭明太子蕭統主編的《文選》傳入古代朝鮮半島後,引起瞭朝鮮文臣們的高度重視,他們大力推薦《文選》,一度欲將《文選》引入李朝的科舉攷試科目,這些在《實錄》中都有體現.《文選》對李朝時期的政治、外交、文化等方麵都產生瞭重要影響,從《朝鮮王朝實錄》所見資料可以窺見《文選》在朝鮮李朝時期的重要地位和價值.
《조선왕조실록》진실기록료조선왕조자1392 년건국지1910 년멸망면연오백년적사실,시연구조선여동아각국역사급관계적기출자료.소명태자소통주편적《문선》전입고대조선반도후,인기료조선문신문적고도중시,타문대력추천《문선》,일도욕장《문선》인입리조적과거고시과목,저사재《실록》중도유체현.《문선》대리조시기적정치、외교、문화등방면도산생료중요영향,종《조선왕조실록》소견자료가이규견《문선》재조선리조시기적중요지위화개치.
Record of the Joseon Dynasty, recording truly the long history of 500 hundred years of Li Dynasty(1392-1910), is a very important resource to resort to in studying the relationship between Korea and countries in EastAsia. After Anthology of Zhaoming which was edited by Zhaomin Prince, XiaoTong, was spread to ancient KoreanPeninsula, it arose tremendous attention from Korean officials. They commended it greatly, and once meant to bring itinto the imperial examination in Li Dynasty, all of which were reflected in Record of the Joseon Dynasty. Anthologyexerted a great influence on politics, diplomacy, culture and so on in Li Dynasty. From the references in Record of theJoseon Dynasty, glimpses can be caught into the importance and value that Anthology had in Li Dynasty.