Academic Research
党的领导 依法治国 先锋队 党纪严于国法
黨的領導 依法治國 先鋒隊 黨紀嚴于國法
당적령도 의법치국 선봉대 당기엄우국법
the CPC's leadership; rule of law; vanguard ; the CPC's disciplines being stricter than state laws
Upholding the CPC's leadership in promoting the rule of law in is a Chinese proposition, which is decided by the his- torieal logic of the Party leading the national construetion and the nature of vanguard of the Communist Party of China. Due to the consistency of the party' interests with those of the people, the CPC's leadership correspond with the rule of law: On one hand, the CPC's leadership must be upheld, for it offers the right direction and endless strength, on the other hand, the rule of law be implemented, because it provides a more scientific, democratic and normative way of state governance, which will contribute to the long - term stability of the Party and the nation. Therefore, we should uphold the CPC's leadership, strengthen and improve CPC's construction and make the views of the Party into all aspects and the whole process in the national legalization construc- tion.