Journal of Tibet University
当代大学生 公民意识教育 时代诉求 路径选择
噹代大學生 公民意識教育 時代訴求 路徑選擇
당대대학생 공민의식교육 시대소구 로경선택
contemporary college students; civic awareness education; times demands; path selection
College period is an important period for the formation and cultivation of citizen consciousness and cit-izen ability for a person. The formation of civil society needs urgently to enhance the civic awareness of contem-porary college students. From a practical point of view, the promotion of civic awareness of college students is es-sential for them to participate in international competition, to cope with the trend of the world. It is also impor-tant for realizing Chinese modernization, and even important to college students for their full and free develop-ment. The specific content of the civic awareness education for contemporary college students includes: interna-tional awareness education, the awareness of participating in education and eco awareness education etc. The vig-orous development of civic awareness education can be attained from the following aspects: constructing citizenconsciousness education system, making use of the classroom education and curriculum education, creating fa-vorable campus cultural environment, providing citizen a platform to participate and experience.