Dunhuang Research
克孜尔第123窟 定光佛授记 陶工浴佛 誓愿画 菩萨道
剋孜爾第123窟 定光彿授記 陶工浴彿 誓願畫 菩薩道
극자이제123굴 정광불수기 도공욕불 서원화 보살도
Cave 123 of the Kizil Grottoes; prediction of Dipamkara Buddha; potters bathing the Buddha; paintings of pranidhi; way of bodhisattva
Among the central-pillared caves at the Kizil Grottoes, the two wall paintings on the side walls in the main chamber of cave 123 are very special. They are large narrative paintings focusing on a standing central Buddha and are completely different from the pattern of the preaching scenes on the side walls in the main chamber that mainly represent a sitting Buddha in the center. Both paintings are beautiful masterpieces of Buddhist art yet no research has been done on their contents and themes so far. This paper discusses the theme and meaning of the two paintings, analyzes the relationships in nature and composition between them and the paintings of pranidhi, and finally makes it clear that they are precursors of the paintings of pranidhi. It further elucidates the Bodhisattva philosophy underlying the paintings of pranidhi, noting that accepting and advocating the thought of Bodhisattva was a great change in Central Asian Hinayana Buddhism during the 7th century.