Educational Research
杜威 艺术即经验 艺术作品 艺术原则
杜威 藝術即經驗 藝術作品 藝術原則
두위 예술즉경험 예술작품 예술원칙
Dewey, Art as Experience, works of art, the ideas of artistic production
Dewey systematically discussed art in his aesthetic masterpiece Art as Experience. He understands art in the category of experience, holding that the works of art are refined and intensified forms of experience, which are related to rather than separated from everyday experience, Dewey believes that not only art itself is full of pedagogic meaning, but also it is possible to extend the ideas and methods of artistic production to all education. Dewey's view of art explains why and how the "education of the arts" is a necessary education that schools should value instead of a frill to ignore. Furthermore, Dewey's ideas of art contribute substantially to our understanding of "the art of education" in respect of many issues such as the concept of active occupation, the correlation between interest and effort, and the unity of subject matter and method. Based on Dewey's theory of art, we can attain better insights into the relationship between art and education as well as Dewey's theory of education.