Southeast Asian Affairs
南海 海洋生态环境保护 海峡两岸 合作机制
南海 海洋生態環境保護 海峽兩岸 閤作機製
남해 해양생태배경보호 해협량안 합작궤제
the South China Sea; marine eco-environmental protection; cross-Strait cooperation mechanism
With the fast developing economies and the constant resource development,the marine eco-environment in the South China Sea is facing the huge risks,such as habitat degradation,overfishing and land-based pollution. Taiwan takes the same stand with mainland on South China Sea issues and is grappling with the same eco-environmental challenges,thus,the cross-Strait cooperation on marine eco-environmental protection in the South China Sea is inevitable. The crossStrait marine eco-environmental cooperation mechanism includes establishing basic principles,improving the public participation,strengthening marine environmental surveillance and law enforcement,etc. The northern region of South China Sea is surrounded by Taiwan,Fujian,Guangdong,Guangxi and Hainan,therefore,this region is the fundamental area of these coastal provinces to speed up the exploitation and promote the economic development; it is the core region and development platform for cross-Strait cooperation in South China Sea. We try to establish integrated regional cooperation mechanism,including Taiwan in the northern region of the South China Sea in the process of native integration,and try to study the coordination mechanism of legislation in regional eco-environmental cooperation,it will provide a new perspective for crossStrait cooperation and the establishment of the marine eco-environmental cooperation mechanism in the whole South China Sea.