Journal of Yunnan Normal University:Teaching and Research of Chinese as A Foreign Language
“依据” 多动词构式 句法环境 语法化
“依據” 多動詞構式 句法環境 語法化
“의거” 다동사구식 구법배경 어법화
yiju(依据); multi-verb constructions(MVCs); syntactic context; grammaticalization
It is generally believed that the typical syntactic context of grammarizing Chinese verbs into prepositions is the serial verb constructions(SVCs)of V1 syntactic position.After investigating the syntactic context of grammaticalization of the disyllabic verb Yiju(依据),the paper holds that Yijuis not derived from the V1 syntactic position of SVCs through grammaticalization but from V1 syntactic position of the sequence complex sentence(SCS).Because of this,it argues that the syntactic context of prepositional grammaticalization is neither the V1 syntactic position of SVCs nor V1 syntactic position of SCS,but the multi-verb constructions(MVCs).The formal feature of the MVCs is"V1+N1+V2+N2",and the essential characteristic is multiple actions while sharing an agent according to the Principle of Temporal Sequence(TPS).The SVCs and the SCS are its two small classes.It is in the V1 syntactic position of the SVCs that the monosyllabic verb realizes its grammaticalization,while disyllabic verbs derive from the V1 syntactic position of the MVCs.The MVCs approach to the interpretation of the syntactic context of the grammaticalization of Chinese monosyllabic prepositions and disyllabic prepositions can avoid the isolated interpretation of the same language facts due to different grammatical terms.