Open Education Research
学习科学 进展 教学设计 教育革新
學習科學 進展 教學設計 教育革新
학습과학 진전 교학설계 교육혁신
learning sciences : development : instruction design ; educational innovation
学习科学发展史上具有里程碑意义的著作《剑桥学习科学手册》(The Cambridge Handbook of the Learning Sciences,简称《手册》)2006年出版∞迄今已近10年。期间,学习科学研究蓬勃发展,新的学习观点和研究不断涌现,对人类的学习和教育创新产生了革命性影响。2014年底,《手册》第二版②问世,全球72位学习科学领域领军学者围绕校内和校外学习,正式学习中的学科教学和博物馆、图书馆中的非正式学习,与新技术密切相关的具身学习、移动学习、合作学习等主题各抒己见。
學習科學髮展史上具有裏程碑意義的著作《劍橋學習科學手冊》(The Cambridge Handbook of the Learning Sciences,簡稱《手冊》)2006年齣版∞迄今已近10年。期間,學習科學研究蓬勃髮展,新的學習觀點和研究不斷湧現,對人類的學習和教育創新產生瞭革命性影響。2014年底,《手冊》第二版②問世,全毬72位學習科學領域領軍學者圍繞校內和校外學習,正式學習中的學科教學和博物館、圖書館中的非正式學習,與新技術密切相關的具身學習、移動學習、閤作學習等主題各抒己見。
학습과학발전사상구유리정비의의적저작《검교학습과학수책》(The Cambridge Handbook of the Learning Sciences,간칭《수책》)2006년출판∞흘금이근10년。기간,학습과학연구봉발발전,신적학습관점화연구불단용현,대인류적학습화교육창신산생료혁명성영향。2014년저,《수책》제이판②문세,전구72위학습과학영역령군학자위요교내화교외학습,정식학습중적학과교학화박물관、도서관중적비정식학습,여신기술밀절상관적구신학습、이동학습、합작학습등주제각서기견。
Nearly a decade has passed since the 1st edition of The Cambridge Handbook of the Learning Sciences was published (CHLS) in 2006, the milestone work in the field. Since then, the learning sciences research activities have flourished and new ideas and studies are continuously emerging, revolutionarily impact human learning and educa- tional innovation. At the end of 2014, the second edition of CHLS was published. In this book, seventy-two leading learning scientists around the world express their views and present their studies on subjects like learning inside and outside of schools, teaching of specific discipline in formal learning such as literacy, math and history, the informal learning in museums and libraries, as well as such issues concerning technology-related learning forms as the embod- ied learning, mobile learning, and collaborative learning, etc. Under this context, the authors conducted an interview with editor Keith Sawyer, the Morgan Distinguished Professor in Educational Innovations at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. This interview focuses on three aspects : the latest development in Learning Sciences ; the view of Keith Sawyer, as a leading learning scientist, on the methodology of learning sciences and its impact on educational innovation; infor- mal learning environments from the perspective of learning sciences. In addition, Dr Sawyer also shares his insights on the hot issues in education such as MOOCs, the flipped classrooms, maker movement, and big data.