Technoeconomics & Management Research
Environmental protection investment%Welfare economy%Circular economy%Regulation economy
目前有关环保投资的研究成果不多, 但国外有关环保投资的理论发展相对成熟. 基于我国遭遇十面"霾" 伏, 环境危机甚嚣尘上的背景, 文章通过剖析环保投资的内涵, 对比发达国家与我国的统计口径, 对福利经济学、 制度经济学、 循环经济理论、 规制经济学、 公共物品经济学、 价值链理论、 外部效应理论、 科斯定理和庇古税以及博弈论进行梳理和分析, 探讨其可借鉴之处, 发现国外学者关注的焦点由原来的政府环保行为向市场化的环保行为过渡, 进而提出健全并调整环保预算项目和统计口径, 完善政策工具、 实现政府主导与市场配置科学有效结合, 健全和完善排污权交易政策和财税政策, 建立环境投资的供应链协同合作机制并在国际范围内加强环保的交流合作等对策建议, 研究成果既拓展了环保投资研究的视野, 又丰富了环境保护方面的学术文献, 为后续的相关研究提供借鉴和参考.
目前有關環保投資的研究成果不多, 但國外有關環保投資的理論髮展相對成熟. 基于我國遭遇十麵"霾" 伏, 環境危機甚囂塵上的揹景, 文章通過剖析環保投資的內涵, 對比髮達國傢與我國的統計口徑, 對福利經濟學、 製度經濟學、 循環經濟理論、 規製經濟學、 公共物品經濟學、 價值鏈理論、 外部效應理論、 科斯定理和庇古稅以及博弈論進行梳理和分析, 探討其可藉鑒之處, 髮現國外學者關註的焦點由原來的政府環保行為嚮市場化的環保行為過渡, 進而提齣健全併調整環保預算項目和統計口徑, 完善政策工具、 實現政府主導與市場配置科學有效結閤, 健全和完善排汙權交易政策和財稅政策, 建立環境投資的供應鏈協同閤作機製併在國際範圍內加彊環保的交流閤作等對策建議, 研究成果既拓展瞭環保投資研究的視野, 又豐富瞭環境保護方麵的學術文獻, 為後續的相關研究提供藉鑒和參攷.
목전유관배보투자적연구성과불다, 단국외유관배보투자적이론발전상대성숙. 기우아국조우십면"매" 복, 배경위궤심효진상적배경, 문장통과부석배보투자적내함, 대비발체국가여아국적통계구경, 대복리경제학、 제도경제학、 순배경제이론、 규제경제학、 공공물품경제학、 개치련이론、 외부효응이론、 과사정리화비고세이급박혁론진행소리화분석, 탐토기가차감지처, 발현국외학자관주적초점유원래적정부배보행위향시장화적배보행위과도, 진이제출건전병조정배보예산항목화통계구경, 완선정책공구、 실현정부주도여시장배치과학유효결합, 건전화완선배오권교역정책화재세정책, 건립배경투자적공응련협동합작궤제병재국제범위내가강배보적교류합작등대책건의, 연구성과기탁전료배보투자연구적시야, 우봉부료배경보호방면적학술문헌, 위후속적상관연구제공차감화삼고.
The research about the environmental protection investment is few in domestic and foreign today , but the theories are relatively mature abroad. Now China is surrounded by fog and haze and environment pollution is very serious. With this background , the connotation of environmental protection investment is analyzed , and the statistical caliber between developed countries and China is compared in this article. The welfare economics theory, institutional economics theory, the circulation economic theory, regulation economics theory, economics of public goods theory, value chain theory, externality theory, the Coase theorem, the Pigou tax and the game theory are sorted out and analyzed. We found that the focus about environmental behavior is transforming from the government to the market, so these policies are putted forward such as improving the environmental budget, adjusting the statistical caliber, perfecting the policy tool, realizing scientific and effective combination between the government and market allocation, perfecting the trading policy and fiscal policy about the emissions, establishing the coordination mechanism of supply chain and strengthening the cooperation in environmental protection on the international. This result is not only broadening the vision about environmental investment, but also enriching the academic literatures, which will provide a reference for the subsequent research.