Journal of Computer Research and Development
混合无线M esh网络%安全路由协议%隐私保护%信誉机制%能量损耗
混閤無線M esh網絡%安全路由協議%隱私保護%信譽機製%能量損耗
혼합무선M esh망락%안전로유협의%은사보호%신예궤제%능량손모
hybrid wireless mesh network (HWMN)%secure routing protocol%privacy preserving%reputation mechanism%energy consumption
混合无线 Mesh网络(hybrid wireless mesh network ,HWMN)是最具实际应用前景的无线Mesh网(wireless mesh networks ,WMNs)结构。然而,HWMN也面临着各种安全威胁,尤其是针对路由和隐私安全的内部攻击的威胁。针对这一问题,结合HWM N的特点,提出了基于动态信誉机制的隐私感知安全路由协议(dynamic reputation based privacy‐aware secure routing protocol ,RPASRP)。 RPASRP实现了动态信誉机制、分级密钥管理协议与路由协议的有机结合,并充分考虑了路由过程中的能量损耗。仿真结果表明,RPASRP能有效抵御内部攻击、实现隐私保护和减少路由能量损耗。
混閤無線 Mesh網絡(hybrid wireless mesh network ,HWMN)是最具實際應用前景的無線Mesh網(wireless mesh networks ,WMNs)結構。然而,HWMN也麵臨著各種安全威脅,尤其是針對路由和隱私安全的內部攻擊的威脅。針對這一問題,結閤HWM N的特點,提齣瞭基于動態信譽機製的隱私感知安全路由協議(dynamic reputation based privacy‐aware secure routing protocol ,RPASRP)。 RPASRP實現瞭動態信譽機製、分級密鑰管理協議與路由協議的有機結閤,併充分攷慮瞭路由過程中的能量損耗。倣真結果錶明,RPASRP能有效牴禦內部攻擊、實現隱私保護和減少路由能量損耗。
혼합무선 Mesh망락(hybrid wireless mesh network ,HWMN)시최구실제응용전경적무선Mesh망(wireless mesh networks ,WMNs)결구。연이,HWMN야면림착각충안전위협,우기시침대로유화은사안전적내부공격적위협。침대저일문제,결합HWM N적특점,제출료기우동태신예궤제적은사감지안전로유협의(dynamic reputation based privacy‐aware secure routing protocol ,RPASRP)。 RPASRP실현료동태신예궤제、분급밀약관리협의여로유협의적유궤결합,병충분고필료로유과정중적능량손모。방진결과표명,RPASRP능유효저어내부공격、실현은사보호화감소로유능량손모。
Hybrid wireless mesh network (HWMN) is the most practical architecture in wireless mesh networks (WMNs ) , which provides a fusion of heterogeneous wireless networks , network connectivity and coverage to distributed users in a wide area to support applications in different domains ,such as military ,finance and healthcare .Due to the multi‐hop and decentralized netw ork architecture ,HWMN is susceptible to various security threats ,especially to the internal attacks aiming to the routing and privacy security .However ,existing routing protocols for HWMN cannot ensure the security and protect the user privacy effectively as they are vulnerable to internal attacks . Moreover ,few of them have taken the energy consumption into account at routing .To solve the above problem ,combining with the characters of the HWMN ,this paper proposes a dynamic reputation mechanism based privacy aware secure routing protocol (RPASRP) ,which combines a new dynamic reputation mechanism with the hierarchical key management protocol and hierarchical encryption scheme .Furthermore , the energy consumption is taken into account in the process of routing . Simulation results show that RPASRP can implement the security and privacy protection against the inside attacks more effectively and decrease the energy consumption in the process of routing .