Journal of Luoyang Normal University
non-English major%oral proficiency%dilemma%tackling strategies%English language teaching
当前非英语专业大学生口语能力普遍较低,与社会期望不相符,与师生的付出也不相符. 分析口语教学的困境,其原因主要有:全国高考不考口语,以致学生入读大学之前口语先天不足;入读大学后又受到全国英语四、六级考试只考笔试的影响,大学英语走向了应试化,口语教学又后天失调;加之教学资源不足、生师比偏高、非英语专业学生的差异较大等因素,难以真正落实强化口语的教学目标. 要走出这种困境,需要在大学入学考试中增加口语内容; 四、 六级考试增加口语硬性要求; 增加教学资源、 降低生师比,单独增设口语课,并培养学生自主学习、终身学习的能力.
噹前非英語專業大學生口語能力普遍較低,與社會期望不相符,與師生的付齣也不相符. 分析口語教學的睏境,其原因主要有:全國高攷不攷口語,以緻學生入讀大學之前口語先天不足;入讀大學後又受到全國英語四、六級攷試隻攷筆試的影響,大學英語走嚮瞭應試化,口語教學又後天失調;加之教學資源不足、生師比偏高、非英語專業學生的差異較大等因素,難以真正落實彊化口語的教學目標. 要走齣這種睏境,需要在大學入學攷試中增加口語內容; 四、 六級攷試增加口語硬性要求; 增加教學資源、 降低生師比,單獨增設口語課,併培養學生自主學習、終身學習的能力.
당전비영어전업대학생구어능력보편교저,여사회기망불상부,여사생적부출야불상부. 분석구어교학적곤경,기원인주요유:전국고고불고구어,이치학생입독대학지전구어선천불족;입독대학후우수도전국영어사、륙급고시지고필시적영향,대학영어주향료응시화,구어교학우후천실조;가지교학자원불족、생사비편고、비영어전업학생적차이교대등인소,난이진정락실강화구어적교학목표. 요주출저충곤경,수요재대학입학고시중증가구어내용; 사、 륙급고시증가구어경성요구; 증가교학자원、 강저생사비,단독증설구어과,병배양학생자주학습、종신학습적능력.
The call for the improvement of students'oral English has been made repeatedly in college English language teaching in the recent years.A myriad of college students, especially those non-English major students, often have a relatively low level of proficiency in oral English, which can barely live up to teachers'or employers'expectations.This paper reviews the current unfavorable situations in oral English teaching at college and further discusses the possible reasons behind, including an absence of oral tests before college, an exam-oriented atmos-phere afterwards brought by the College English Test Band 4 and Band 6, a rather limited educational resources, and individual differences.In order to break through the dilemma, the paper suggests some solutions and strategies that it is necessary to add an oral part in the admission tests, to set oral English as a mandatory requirement in the Band 4 and 6 tests, to raise the ratio of teachers to students, to increase additional oral lessons, as well as to devel-op students'self-learning and life-long learning abilities.