Pogostemon cablin%leaf-disc%plant regeneration
广藿香是重要的芳香药用植物,利用基因工程技术对广藿香进行品种改良,需要建立一个高效的广藿香植株再生体系.该研究以广藿香无菌苗叶片为材料,将叶盘外植体分别置于不同条件下培养,观察、统计其再生植株的数量及生长状况.通过研究15~50 d的苗龄、第2~4节上的叶及培养基中2,4-D、NAA、BA和KT的浓度和配比等因素对广藿香叶盘再生植株的影响,在此基础上优化培养条件,建立广藿香高效再生体系.结果表明:广藿香无菌苗的苗龄、叶片在茎上的着生位置以及培养基中的植物生长调节物质浓度和配比都对广藿香的植株再生有显著影响;优化培养条件为以培养30 d的广藿香无菌苗顶芽下第2对展开叶片切割的叶盘为外植体,在含0.1 mg?L-1 NAA和0.5 mg?L-1 BA的MS培养基中培养28 d,叶盘的不定芽发生频率达到100%,单个叶盘的平均再生芽数为96.5个,经生根培养及温室炼苗,再生植株的移栽成活率达到96%.广藿香叶盘植株再生体系的建立为其基因转化研究及优良品种的快速繁育奠定了基础.
廣藿香是重要的芳香藥用植物,利用基因工程技術對廣藿香進行品種改良,需要建立一箇高效的廣藿香植株再生體繫.該研究以廣藿香無菌苗葉片為材料,將葉盤外植體分彆置于不同條件下培養,觀察、統計其再生植株的數量及生長狀況.通過研究15~50 d的苗齡、第2~4節上的葉及培養基中2,4-D、NAA、BA和KT的濃度和配比等因素對廣藿香葉盤再生植株的影響,在此基礎上優化培養條件,建立廣藿香高效再生體繫.結果錶明:廣藿香無菌苗的苗齡、葉片在莖上的著生位置以及培養基中的植物生長調節物質濃度和配比都對廣藿香的植株再生有顯著影響;優化培養條件為以培養30 d的廣藿香無菌苗頂芽下第2對展開葉片切割的葉盤為外植體,在含0.1 mg?L-1 NAA和0.5 mg?L-1 BA的MS培養基中培養28 d,葉盤的不定芽髮生頻率達到100%,單箇葉盤的平均再生芽數為96.5箇,經生根培養及溫室煉苗,再生植株的移栽成活率達到96%.廣藿香葉盤植株再生體繫的建立為其基因轉化研究及優良品種的快速繁育奠定瞭基礎.
엄곽향시중요적방향약용식물,이용기인공정기술대엄곽향진행품충개량,수요건립일개고효적엄곽향식주재생체계.해연구이엄곽향무균묘협편위재료,장협반외식체분별치우불동조건하배양,관찰、통계기재생식주적수량급생장상황.통과연구15~50 d적묘령、제2~4절상적협급배양기중2,4-D、NAA、BA화KT적농도화배비등인소대엄곽향협반재생식주적영향,재차기출상우화배양조건,건립엄곽향고효재생체계.결과표명:엄곽향무균묘적묘령、협편재경상적착생위치이급배양기중적식물생장조절물질농도화배비도대엄곽향적식주재생유현저영향;우화배양조건위이배양30 d적엄곽향무균묘정아하제2대전개협편절할적협반위외식체,재함0.1 mg?L-1 NAA화0.5 mg?L-1 BA적MS배양기중배양28 d,협반적불정아발생빈솔체도100%,단개협반적평균재생아수위96.5개,경생근배양급온실련묘,재생식주적이재성활솔체도96%.엄곽향협반식주재생체계적건립위기기인전화연구급우량품충적쾌속번육전정료기출.
Pogostemon cablin syn.P.patchouli,is a perennial bushy herb introduced from Southeast Asia and has been extensively cultivated in South China,for both utilization in pharmaceutical and perfume industry.Patchouli cul-tivated in different regions has diverse morphological characteristics and essential oil constituents,which infect its therapeutic properties directly.It is necessary to established a cultivar with high quality of essential oil.This study aims to establish an efficient system of plant regeneration from the leaf-disc of Pogostemon cablin.The leaves of in vitro patchouli seedlings were used as materials.The effects of donor plant’s age,leaf position and the concentration of plant growth substances used single or combined on plant regeneration of P.cablin were studied.The results showed that low concentration’s benzylaminopurine (BA)combined with naphthaleneacetic acid(NAA)induced the high frequency of prolific adventitious shoots regeneration directly from leaf with less or without callus,the age of do-nor plant and position of leaf on stem both effected the frequency of shoot regeneration and the mean number of shoots.The high efficient plant regeneration system was established from leaf disc explants prepared from the leaves of the second nodes of thirty-day old-in vitro plant.The culture medium for the prolific shoot inducing was MS cul-ture medium supplemented with 0.1 mg?L-1 NAA and 0.5 mg?L-1 BA.The regeneration frequency was 100% and the maximum mean number of shoot per leaf disc was 96.5.Regenerated shoots were elongated and rooted on the half strength MS medium with 0.5 mg?L-1 GA3 and 0.1 mg?L-1 NAA.The rooting frequency was 100%.The plantlets with well-developed roots were successfully acclimatized in the greenhouse,and planted in the field with a survival rate of 96%.The established plant regeration system from leaf-disc of P.cablin would lay foundation for the gene transformation of P.cablin and its fast breeding for good cultivars.