Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering
agricultural machinery%optimization%design%stalk returning field%walking migration rate%threshing quality%axial flow cylinder
针对自行研制的稻麦联合收获开沟埋草多功能一体机所存在的行走直线稳定性差、脱粒质量较低等问题。依据横向轴流式滚筒对稻麦秸秆的传递导流作用和二次复脱的原则,通过增设辅助滚筒的方法既改变出草口位置使开沟总成中移,消除整机偏向力,又延长秸秆在滚筒内的作用时间,提高谷物脱粒质量。其中:辅助滚筒总长为855 mm,导流角为18°,滚筒直径为452 mm,转速为1350 r/min。性能测试表明:改进后自研一体机在0.27、0.58、0.85 m/s 3种不同工况下行走偏移度分别降低了93.9%、94.4%、93.3%,行走直线稳定性显著提高;小麦和水稻总损失率分别降低20.9%和11.8%,含杂率分别降低45.7%和21.4%。尽管水稻破碎率增加了7.4%,但脱粒的综合质量有较大提高。该研究增进了多功能一体机的适用性,为稻麦秸秆机械化集沟还田提供了参考。
針對自行研製的稻麥聯閤收穫開溝埋草多功能一體機所存在的行走直線穩定性差、脫粒質量較低等問題。依據橫嚮軸流式滾筒對稻麥秸稈的傳遞導流作用和二次複脫的原則,通過增設輔助滾筒的方法既改變齣草口位置使開溝總成中移,消除整機偏嚮力,又延長秸稈在滾筒內的作用時間,提高穀物脫粒質量。其中:輔助滾筒總長為855 mm,導流角為18°,滾筒直徑為452 mm,轉速為1350 r/min。性能測試錶明:改進後自研一體機在0.27、0.58、0.85 m/s 3種不同工況下行走偏移度分彆降低瞭93.9%、94.4%、93.3%,行走直線穩定性顯著提高;小麥和水稻總損失率分彆降低20.9%和11.8%,含雜率分彆降低45.7%和21.4%。儘管水稻破碎率增加瞭7.4%,但脫粒的綜閤質量有較大提高。該研究增進瞭多功能一體機的適用性,為稻麥秸稈機械化集溝還田提供瞭參攷。
침대자행연제적도맥연합수획개구매초다공능일체궤소존재적행주직선은정성차、탈립질량교저등문제。의거횡향축류식곤통대도맥갈간적전체도류작용화이차복탈적원칙,통과증설보조곤통적방법기개변출초구위치사개구총성중이,소제정궤편향력,우연장갈간재곤통내적작용시간,제고곡물탈립질량。기중:보조곤통총장위855 mm,도류각위18°,곤통직경위452 mm,전속위1350 r/min。성능측시표명:개진후자연일체궤재0.27、0.58、0.85 m/s 3충불동공황하행주편이도분별강저료93.9%、94.4%、93.3%,행주직선은정성현저제고;소맥화수도총손실솔분별강저20.9%화11.8%,함잡솔분별강저45.7%화21.4%。진관수도파쇄솔증가료7.4%,단탈립적종합질량유교대제고。해연구증진료다공능일체궤적괄용성,위도맥갈간궤계화집구환전제공료삼고。
In rice-wheat double-cropping area, the top soil is compactible and the soil disturbance frequency is relatively lower, which eventually results in soil hardening due to the implementation of lacking tillage or no tillage. In order to increase soil disturbance frequency and improve soil environment based on conservation tillage, and solve excessive straw yield in full amount of straw returning under high-yield production, a new straw returning model named straw-returning-to-ditch was proposed. According to operation characteristics of this model, a multifunction machine combining harvester and ditch opener was designed. This machine could complete harvesting, ditching and stalk-disposing at one time, and realize multiple assignments with high efficiency. The ditching device of the multifunctional machine was biased in line with the unilateral grass outlet, which should however be aligned with the grass outlet to ensure the rice straw to be collected into the ditch reliably. So, after long-term practice, the assignment of the ditching device led to unilateral bearing, poor straight walking performance and running deviation for this machine, which was difficult to manipulate. Meanwhile, the machine still had some threshing problems, for example, under threshing and high loss rate in the process of harvesting. Therefore, based on the principle of transfer guide function and secondary threshing of the lateral cylinder, an assisted threshing cylinder that was located at the rear of the main threshing cylinder was equipped, which constituted a double threshing cylinder structure. And the grass inlet was connected with the main threshing cylinder. The double threshing cylinder structure could effectively solve the problem of the machine unilateral bearing and low harvest quality through changing the position of grass outlet, making the ditching device located in the middle surface of the track to eliminate deflecting force, and increasing the threshing time to improve harvesting quality. Combined with the characteristics and the available space in the rear of the main threshing cylinder, the overall length and diameter of the assisted threshing cylinder were 855 and 452 mm respectively, the diversion angle of cylinder end cover plate was 18°, and the angular speed was 1 350 r/min. The modified grass outlet and crawler surface were kept on the same vertical plane, and the distance between their centers was 573 mm. The performance test showed that the walking position deflections of modified machine under 3 different working speeds (low speed 0.38 m/s, medium speed 0.56 m/s and high speed 0.74 m/s) were reduced by 93.9%, 94.4% and 93.3%, respectively. Furthermore, the straight walking stability and control performance were significantly improved. In the harvest process, the total loss rates of wheat and rice were decreased by 20.9% and 11.8%, respectively, while the impurity rates were decreased by 45.7% and 21.4% respectively. The comprehensive performance of rice threshing was enhanced although the broken rate was increased by 7.4%; and meanwhile the broken rate could be acceptable for the use of harvesting machine. The result indicated that the double threshing cylinder structure was feasible for solving the problems of the machine. This research has improved the applicability of the multifunctional machine and provided the reference for the mechanical returning of the collected straw to the ditch.