Education and Teaching Research
"three year project of preschool education"%rural preschool teachers%job satisfaction
农村幼儿教师的工作满意度既关乎教师作为人的生存质量 ,也关乎农村地区学前教育质量提升和可持续发展.基于S县110位幼儿教师的调查表明 ,"三年行动计划"后 ,农村幼儿教师工作满意度的总体状况依然不够理想 ,经济收入依然是各维度中满意度最低的一项.为了提升农村幼儿教师工作满意度 ,进而提升农村地区学前教育整体质量水平 ,提高幼儿教师的薪资待遇就显得尤为迫切 ,同时 ,改进幼儿园领导管理水平和增加教师培训进修机会也是重要途径.
農村幼兒教師的工作滿意度既關乎教師作為人的生存質量 ,也關乎農村地區學前教育質量提升和可持續髮展.基于S縣110位幼兒教師的調查錶明 ,"三年行動計劃"後 ,農村幼兒教師工作滿意度的總體狀況依然不夠理想 ,經濟收入依然是各維度中滿意度最低的一項.為瞭提升農村幼兒教師工作滿意度 ,進而提升農村地區學前教育整體質量水平 ,提高幼兒教師的薪資待遇就顯得尤為迫切 ,同時 ,改進幼兒園領導管理水平和增加教師培訓進脩機會也是重要途徑.
농촌유인교사적공작만의도기관호교사작위인적생존질량 ,야관호농촌지구학전교육질량제승화가지속발전.기우S현110위유인교사적조사표명 ,"삼년행동계화"후 ,농촌유인교사공작만의도적총체상황의연불구이상 ,경제수입의연시각유도중만의도최저적일항.위료제승농촌유인교사공작만의도 ,진이제승농촌지구학전교육정체질량수평 ,제고유인교사적신자대우취현득우위박절 ,동시 ,개진유인완령도관리수평화증가교사배훈진수궤회야시중요도경.
The rural preschool teachers' job satisfactions not only relate to the teachers' quality of life as human beings,but also relate to the quality improvement and sustainable development of pre-school education in rural areas .Taking 110 teachers in S county as samples,using questionnaire and interview,it is concluded that:after the"three year project of preschool education",although the percentage of extremely dis-satisfaction is low,the overall situation of job satisfaction of preschool teachers in rural areas is still insufficient ideal,economic income satisfac-tion is still the lowest one .In order to improve rural preschool teachers' job satisfaction,thus enhancing the overall quality of preschool educa-tion in rural areas,it is urgent to improve teachers' salary .At the same time,improving the management system in preschools and increasing teacher training opportunities are also important .