Journal of Ocean University of China (Social Sciences Edition)
农业水利基础设施%内资BO T模式%风险防范%纠纷救济
農業水利基礎設施%內資BO T模式%風險防範%糾紛救濟
농업수리기출설시%내자BO T모식%풍험방범%규분구제
agricultural irrigation infrastructure%domestic investment BOT style%risk prevention%dispute remedy
山东某地新型投资例证再次印证了在新型城镇化进程中水事纠纷的风险依然存在。以农水基建设为例,仅靠政府投入肯定是不够的,效果也不够理想,不能满足农村社会的民生需求,必须实现制度创新,其中内资BO T就是重要的创新内容。在农业水利基础设施建设领域,引进内资BO T是否成功,关键是正确识别和合理分担风险;从风险来源上讲,内资BO T风险主要是来自政府和村委会的合同违约,进而引发纠纷。纠纷救济措施应当结合新型城镇化进程,明确BO T主体资格和缩小BO T投资范围,约束政府权力,理顺城镇化进程中土地制度,减少土地纠纷。实践证明:农民已经用自己的智慧,实践着BO T ,无论是社会效果还是经济效益,都说明农业水利基础设施建设中可以采取内资BO T模式,但是要防范“伪城镇化”潜在的风险和纠纷。
山東某地新型投資例證再次印證瞭在新型城鎮化進程中水事糾紛的風險依然存在。以農水基建設為例,僅靠政府投入肯定是不夠的,效果也不夠理想,不能滿足農村社會的民生需求,必鬚實現製度創新,其中內資BO T就是重要的創新內容。在農業水利基礎設施建設領域,引進內資BO T是否成功,關鍵是正確識彆和閤理分擔風險;從風險來源上講,內資BO T風險主要是來自政府和村委會的閤同違約,進而引髮糾紛。糾紛救濟措施應噹結閤新型城鎮化進程,明確BO T主體資格和縮小BO T投資範圍,約束政府權力,理順城鎮化進程中土地製度,減少土地糾紛。實踐證明:農民已經用自己的智慧,實踐著BO T ,無論是社會效果還是經濟效益,都說明農業水利基礎設施建設中可以採取內資BO T模式,但是要防範“偽城鎮化”潛在的風險和糾紛。
산동모지신형투자예증재차인증료재신형성진화진정중수사규분적풍험의연존재。이농수기건설위례,부고정부투입긍정시불구적,효과야불구이상,불능만족농촌사회적민생수구,필수실현제도창신,기중내자BO T취시중요적창신내용。재농업수리기출설시건설영역,인진내자BO T시부성공,관건시정학식별화합리분담풍험;종풍험래원상강,내자BO T풍험주요시래자정부화촌위회적합동위약,진이인발규분。규분구제조시응당결합신형성진화진정,명학BO T주체자격화축소BO T투자범위,약속정부권력,리순성진화진정중토지제도,감소토지규분。실천증명:농민이경용자기적지혜,실천착BO T ,무론시사회효과환시경제효익,도설명농업수리기출설시건설중가이채취내자BO T모식,단시요방범“위성진화”잠재적풍험화규분。
The investment case in some area of Shandong proves again that water dispute is possible during the process of the new style urbanization .Take the agricultural irrigation infrastructure .Only gov‐ernment investment is not adequate and its effect is not ideal to meet the needs of rural society ;therefore , the innovation of system is necessary ,and the domestic investment BOT is an important one .In the field of the agricultural irrigation infrastructure ,the key to the success of domestic investment BOT is the risk identification and sharing .The risks mainly come from the government and rural committee's breaching of the contract ,w hich leads to disputes .T he measures for dispute remedy must include the new style urbani‐zation ,establishing the status of BOT and narrowing its scope of investment ,and restricting the govern‐ment power so as to deal with the relationship between the urbanization and reduction of land disputes . The practice shows that farmers have achieved BOT with their wisdom and that in terms of both the social result and economic benefits the domestic investment BOT style can be adopted in the agriculture irrigation infrastructure ;however ,possible risks and disputes in the process of pseudo‐urbanization should be pre‐vented .