Journal of Modern Urology
bladder neoplasm%rat%MNU%CT%CT urography
目的:利用N‐甲基‐N‐亚硝脲(MNU)诱导构建大鼠原位膀胱癌动物模型,并提出一种改良的CT 扫描和CT 尿路成像(CTU)活体检测方法。方法将30只10~12周龄的Sprague Dawley(SD)大鼠随机分为两组,A组10只为对照组,每2周予膀胱灌注枸橼酸缓冲液0.1 mL ,共4次;B组20只为MNU造模组,予A组同法膀胱灌注MNU溶液0.1 mL(2 mg)。2组大鼠造模诱导期后均常规饲养,观察一般情况。14周时,利用大鼠膀胱灌注欧乃派克稀释液后C T 平扫的改良C T检测方法对存活大鼠进行活体成瘤鉴定,并通过三维重建进行C T U成像。活体检测后处死所有大鼠,取膀胱组织进行病理组织学观察。结果14周时A组大鼠无成瘤;B组成瘤率94%,病理诊断为膀胱尿路上皮癌。所有成瘤大鼠C T 扫描均见异常,膀胱肿瘤表现为乳头状、团块状低信号新生物,凸向高信号膀胱腔形成充盈缺损。CTU下,膀胱原位肿瘤表现为椭球表面形状各异的凹陷,大小、边界、位置清晰。结论作者首次提出了一种改良CT及CTU小动物原位膀胱肿瘤检测方法,对膀胱癌动态生长和治疗效果的活体评价和连续监测有巨大价值,值得在今后膀胱癌相关动物实验中应用推广。
目的:利用N‐甲基‐N‐亞硝脲(MNU)誘導構建大鼠原位膀胱癌動物模型,併提齣一種改良的CT 掃描和CT 尿路成像(CTU)活體檢測方法。方法將30隻10~12週齡的Sprague Dawley(SD)大鼠隨機分為兩組,A組10隻為對照組,每2週予膀胱灌註枸櫞痠緩遲液0.1 mL ,共4次;B組20隻為MNU造模組,予A組同法膀胱灌註MNU溶液0.1 mL(2 mg)。2組大鼠造模誘導期後均常規飼養,觀察一般情況。14週時,利用大鼠膀胱灌註歐迺派剋稀釋液後C T 平掃的改良C T檢測方法對存活大鼠進行活體成瘤鑒定,併通過三維重建進行C T U成像。活體檢測後處死所有大鼠,取膀胱組織進行病理組織學觀察。結果14週時A組大鼠無成瘤;B組成瘤率94%,病理診斷為膀胱尿路上皮癌。所有成瘤大鼠C T 掃描均見異常,膀胱腫瘤錶現為乳頭狀、糰塊狀低信號新生物,凸嚮高信號膀胱腔形成充盈缺損。CTU下,膀胱原位腫瘤錶現為橢毬錶麵形狀各異的凹陷,大小、邊界、位置清晰。結論作者首次提齣瞭一種改良CT及CTU小動物原位膀胱腫瘤檢測方法,對膀胱癌動態生長和治療效果的活體評價和連續鑑測有巨大價值,值得在今後膀胱癌相關動物實驗中應用推廣。
목적:이용N‐갑기‐N‐아초뇨(MNU)유도구건대서원위방광암동물모형,병제출일충개량적CT 소묘화CT 뇨로성상(CTU)활체검측방법。방법장30지10~12주령적Sprague Dawley(SD)대서수궤분위량조,A조10지위대조조,매2주여방광관주구연산완충액0.1 mL ,공4차;B조20지위MNU조모조,여A조동법방광관주MNU용액0.1 mL(2 mg)。2조대서조모유도기후균상규사양,관찰일반정황。14주시,이용대서방광관주구내파극희석액후C T 평소적개량C T검측방법대존활대서진행활체성류감정,병통과삼유중건진행C T U성상。활체검측후처사소유대서,취방광조직진행병리조직학관찰。결과14주시A조대서무성류;B조성류솔94%,병리진단위방광뇨로상피암。소유성류대서C T 소묘균견이상,방광종류표현위유두상、단괴상저신호신생물,철향고신호방광강형성충영결손。CTU하,방광원위종류표현위타구표면형상각이적요함,대소、변계、위치청석。결론작자수차제출료일충개량CT급CTU소동물원위방광종류검측방법,대방광암동태생장화치료효과적활체평개화련속감측유거대개치,치득재금후방광암상관동물실험중응용추엄。
Objective To evaluate the diagnostic efficacy of a modified CT scanning and CT urography (CTU) in rat or‐thotopic models of bladder cancer induced by N‐methyl‐nitrosourea (MNU) .Methods A total of 30 Sprague Dawley (SD) rats (10-12 weeks old) were randomly divided into the control group (group A ,n=10) and model group (group B ,n=20) . Rats in group A were received intravesical instillation of 0 .1 mL citrate buffer solution every other week for four times .Rats in group B were treated with 0 .1 mL MNU solution (2 mg) every other week for four times .In week 14 ,all rats underwent living body detection using a modified CT method ,which combined CT plain scanning with intravesical instillation of omnipaque solu‐tion .Then CTU was performed using three‐dimensional reconstruction based on CT data .Then all rats were sacrificed for bladder pathological examination .Results In week 14 ,no neoplasms were found in rats of group A ,while bladder tumors classified as urothelial carcinoma were observed in 94% of rats in group B .Using the modified method ,all tumor‐bearing rats showed abnormal CT imaging ,which was characterized by papillary or bulky filling defect in high‐signal background .In CTU imaging ,neoplasms manifested as different forms of concave with clear size ,boundary and location in the ellipsoidal surface . Conclusions In this study ,we established a modified CT scanning and CTU method applying to living body detection of ani‐mal orthotopic bladder cancer for the first time .Our job will contribute to the living body detection and consecutive surveil‐lance for dynamic growth and therapeutic effects of bladder cancer .This CT‐based imaging system is worth to be popularized in animal researches in this field .