Journal of Nanchang Hangkong University (Social Science Edition)
Metaphoric Competence%explicit/metaphor instruction%polysemy acquisition
隐喻能力是二语习得者克服母语思维习惯、解决二语不地道性的关键. 研究通过开展基于多义词词义拓展的显性与隐性隐喻输入对比研究,探讨不同的隐喻输入方式对隐喻能力发展的影响. 研究发现,显性与隐性隐喻输入对多义词习得和隐喻能力的影响既具有相似性又有差异性:相似性在于它们都能促进多义词习得和隐喻能力发展;不同点在于,显性输入比隐性输入更能提高多义词习得对隐喻能力发展的影响力. 这一结果表明:多义词习得与隐喻能力发展存在显著正相关,虽然短期内显性输入的影响力更强,但从语言与思维关系来看,二语习得与隐喻能力发展是一个互相促进的过程.
隱喻能力是二語習得者剋服母語思維習慣、解決二語不地道性的關鍵. 研究通過開展基于多義詞詞義拓展的顯性與隱性隱喻輸入對比研究,探討不同的隱喻輸入方式對隱喻能力髮展的影響. 研究髮現,顯性與隱性隱喻輸入對多義詞習得和隱喻能力的影響既具有相似性又有差異性:相似性在于它們都能促進多義詞習得和隱喻能力髮展;不同點在于,顯性輸入比隱性輸入更能提高多義詞習得對隱喻能力髮展的影響力. 這一結果錶明:多義詞習得與隱喻能力髮展存在顯著正相關,雖然短期內顯性輸入的影響力更彊,但從語言與思維關繫來看,二語習得與隱喻能力髮展是一箇互相促進的過程.
은유능력시이어습득자극복모어사유습관、해결이어불지도성적관건. 연구통과개전기우다의사사의탁전적현성여은성은유수입대비연구,탐토불동적은유수입방식대은유능력발전적영향. 연구발현,현성여은성은유수입대다의사습득화은유능력적영향기구유상사성우유차이성:상사성재우타문도능촉진다의사습득화은유능력발전;불동점재우,현성수입비은성수입경능제고다의사습득대은유능력발전적영향력. 저일결과표명:다의사습득여은유능력발전존재현저정상관,수연단기내현성수입적영향력경강,단종어언여사유관계래간,이어습득여은유능력발전시일개호상촉진적과정.
Metaphoric Competence ( MC) is the key for second language learners to overcoming their L1 thinking habit and solving the problem of nonnative-like production in their target language. This paper was a comparative study of the effects of explicit/implicit metaphor instruction on the development of MC from the perspective of acquisition of polysemy by English majors. The findings indicated that there were similarities and differences in the effects of explicit/implicit metaphor instruction on the acquisition of polysemy and the development of MC. The similarity was that they were both able to improve learners' polysemy acquisition and MC, while their difference lay in the stronger influence of explicit metaphor instruction in promoting the effect of polysemy acquisition on the development of MC. The results showed that there existed a significant correlation between polysemy acquisition and MC. While explicit metaphor instruction had a stronger influence in a short term, SLA and MC developing was a process of mutual promotion in the long run.