Management for Economy in Agricultural Scientific
central finance%agriculture sustainable development%policy evolution%innovation
文章探讨了自新中国成立以来我国中央财政支持农业可持续发展政策演变的4个阶段: 改革开放前、 改革开放初期、 改革开放深化期和城乡统筹背景下. 当前我国财政支持农业可持续发展存在问题主要表现在: 财政投入总量不足、 投入结构不够合理、 投入产出效率较低、 财政投入未达到预期效果和投入机制与当前我国全面深化改革和财政收支新形势不适应等方面. 因此, 政府应该加强财政支持农业可持续发展的政策协调、 完善财政支持农业可持续发展的决策机制、 创新财政支持农业可持续发展的投融资方式、健全财政支持农业可持续发展的监管体系. 总之, 政府以较高效率增加和使用财政支农资金, 这不仅是由农业可持续发展的生态和环境作用及我国农村土地兼具生产资料和社会保障资料属性的公共产品性质决定的, 也是解决我国长期并存的二元城乡结构、 统筹城乡发展、 促进经济社会和谐发展的必然要求.
文章探討瞭自新中國成立以來我國中央財政支持農業可持續髮展政策縯變的4箇階段: 改革開放前、 改革開放初期、 改革開放深化期和城鄉統籌揹景下. 噹前我國財政支持農業可持續髮展存在問題主要錶現在: 財政投入總量不足、 投入結構不夠閤理、 投入產齣效率較低、 財政投入未達到預期效果和投入機製與噹前我國全麵深化改革和財政收支新形勢不適應等方麵. 因此, 政府應該加彊財政支持農業可持續髮展的政策協調、 完善財政支持農業可持續髮展的決策機製、 創新財政支持農業可持續髮展的投融資方式、健全財政支持農業可持續髮展的鑑管體繫. 總之, 政府以較高效率增加和使用財政支農資金, 這不僅是由農業可持續髮展的生態和環境作用及我國農村土地兼具生產資料和社會保障資料屬性的公共產品性質決定的, 也是解決我國長期併存的二元城鄉結構、 統籌城鄉髮展、 促進經濟社會和諧髮展的必然要求.
문장탐토료자신중국성립이래아국중앙재정지지농업가지속발전정책연변적4개계단: 개혁개방전、 개혁개방초기、 개혁개방심화기화성향통주배경하. 당전아국재정지지농업가지속발전존재문제주요표현재: 재정투입총량불족、 투입결구불구합리、 투입산출효솔교저、 재정투입미체도예기효과화투입궤제여당전아국전면심화개혁화재정수지신형세불괄응등방면. 인차, 정부응해가강재정지지농업가지속발전적정책협조、 완선재정지지농업가지속발전적결책궤제、 창신재정지지농업가지속발전적투융자방식、건전재정지지농업가지속발전적감관체계. 총지, 정부이교고효솔증가화사용재정지농자금, 저불부시유농업가지속발전적생태화배경작용급아국농촌토지겸구생산자료화사회보장자료속성적공공산품성질결정적, 야시해결아국장기병존적이원성향결구、 통주성향발전、 촉진경제사회화해발전적필연요구.
The article discussed the policy of the central financial support to agricultural sustainable development since the founding of China. The policy evolution included four development stages, i. e. , before the reform and o-pening up, early reform and opening up, deepening the reform and opening period and under the background of ur-ban and rural overall development. The problems of the financial support to agricultural sustainable development in China mainly were:inadequate total financial investment, unreasonable investment structure and the lower invest-ment efficiency, unobvious desired effect, and unbalance between financial input mechanism and fiscal revenue and expenditure in new situation of deepen reform, etc. Therefore, the government should strengthen the financial sup-port policy coordination, perfect the financial support of the sustainable development of agriculture decision-mak-ing mechanism, innovate financial support of the sustainable development of agriculture investment and improve the financial support to the regulatory system of the sustainable development of agriculture, etc. Overall, the increase of fiscal funds in supporting agriculture not only played the ecological and environmental effect in the sustainable development of agriculture and the rural land in our country both production data and social security nature of pub-lic goods attribute, but also can solve the long period of dualistic urban-rural structure, balance urban and rural development, promote the harmonious development of economy and society.