Packaging Journal
Minnan old-age houses%Suoguotong%color%molding%subject
趖闽南古厝室内承重木构件 瓜筒既能修饰房屋有关构件之间的衔接处,又能给室内环境增添艺术美感.其装饰造型淳朴、夸张、雅致,其构图包括满幅式、对称式和非对称式3种方式. 趖一般住宅中的瓜筒色彩较为质朴,采用木材本色;家庙、 趖祠堂建筑内的 瓜筒则大多采用彩色.其装饰造型主题大致包括人物、瑞兽、花果植物与器皿、如意纹样、中国结、涡纹6类. 趖闽南古厝 瓜筒装饰渗透着丰厚的文化积淀,传递着建筑与人之间的微妙情感,体现了我国优秀传统文化的精髓,对其进行研究和挖掘可更好地推动传统文化的传承与发展.
趖閩南古厝室內承重木構件 瓜筒既能脩飾房屋有關構件之間的銜接處,又能給室內環境增添藝術美感.其裝飾造型淳樸、誇張、雅緻,其構圖包括滿幅式、對稱式和非對稱式3種方式. 趖一般住宅中的瓜筒色綵較為質樸,採用木材本色;傢廟、 趖祠堂建築內的 瓜筒則大多採用綵色.其裝飾造型主題大緻包括人物、瑞獸、花果植物與器皿、如意紋樣、中國結、渦紋6類. 趖閩南古厝 瓜筒裝飾滲透著豐厚的文化積澱,傳遞著建築與人之間的微妙情感,體現瞭我國優秀傳統文化的精髓,對其進行研究和挖掘可更好地推動傳統文化的傳承與髮展.
사민남고조실내승중목구건 과통기능수식방옥유관구건지간적함접처,우능급실내배경증첨예술미감.기장식조형순박、과장、아치,기구도포괄만폭식、대칭식화비대칭식3충방식. 사일반주택중적과통색채교위질박,채용목재본색;가묘、 사사당건축내적 과통칙대다채용채색.기장식조형주제대치포괄인물、서수、화과식물여기명、여의문양、중국결、와문6류. 사민남고조 과통장식삼투착봉후적문화적정,전체착건축여인지간적미묘정감,체현료아국우수전통문화적정수,대기진행연구화알굴가경호지추동전통문화적전승여발전.
Suoguatong (bearing timber components) in Minnan traditional old-age houses could be used to decorate the joints of the house components and enhance the art aesthetic effect to the indoor environment. Its molding decoration style is simple, exaggerative and elegant. There are three structures of bats filled, symmetrical and unsymmetrical ones. The color of Suoguatong in common houses is simple and unadorned with the original color of wood, while in most of family temples and ancestral halls the Suoguatong is colorful. The molding decorative subjects include 6 categories as figures, auspicious beasts, plants (flowers & fruits) and utensils, wishful patterns, Chinese knots and swirl grains. The decoration of Suoguatong in Minnan old houses has been permeated with luxuriant cultural sedimentation and delivered subtle feelings between buildings and man. The study and excavation of the essence of the excellent traditional culture could promote the inheritance and development of the culture.