Water Conservancy Science and Technology and Economy
hydrological regimes%influence analysis%dispel flood and compensate scanty%Yuetan Reservoir
月潭水库地处新安江主源率水上,是以城市防洪为主,结合城镇供水,兼顾发电与灌溉等具有综合开发利用功能水利枢纽工程,并属于国家172 项重大水利工程之一. 基于月潭水库工程调度运用方式、水库多年平均生态基流及水库城乡供水及灌溉等用水需求,以水库下游月潭水文站和屯溪水文站1959~2012年实测流量资料为研究对象,采用典型年法分析月潭水库建设对新安江流域水资源总量及下游水资源年内分配的影响. 分析表明,月潭水库的建设对率水及新安江干流河道水文情势有一定的影响,并具有一定的削峰补枯作用.
月潭水庫地處新安江主源率水上,是以城市防洪為主,結閤城鎮供水,兼顧髮電與灌溉等具有綜閤開髮利用功能水利樞紐工程,併屬于國傢172 項重大水利工程之一. 基于月潭水庫工程調度運用方式、水庫多年平均生態基流及水庫城鄉供水及灌溉等用水需求,以水庫下遊月潭水文站和屯溪水文站1959~2012年實測流量資料為研究對象,採用典型年法分析月潭水庫建設對新安江流域水資源總量及下遊水資源年內分配的影響. 分析錶明,月潭水庫的建設對率水及新安江榦流河道水文情勢有一定的影響,併具有一定的削峰補枯作用.
월담수고지처신안강주원솔수상,시이성시방홍위주,결합성진공수,겸고발전여관개등구유종합개발이용공능수리추뉴공정,병속우국가172 항중대수리공정지일. 기우월담수고공정조도운용방식、수고다년평균생태기류급수고성향공수급관개등용수수구,이수고하유월담수문참화둔계수문참1959~2012년실측류량자료위연구대상,채용전형년법분석월담수고건설대신안강류역수자원총량급하유수자원년내분배적영향. 분석표명,월담수고적건설대솔수급신안강간류하도수문정세유일정적영향,병구유일정적삭봉보고작용.
Yuetan reservoir locates on Shuaishui River which is the main source of Xin′an River , it is a comprehensive development and utilization of functional water conservancy project which with the urban flood control ,urban water supply , and account both power generation and irrigation , it′s also belong to the 172 major water conservancy projects of the state department .Based on the measured flows data from 1956 to 2012 of Yuetan and Tunxi hydrologic stations downstream of the river , also based on the dispatching application mode and the demands for water of average ecological base flow over the years , the urban water supply and irrigation , typical year method is applied to analyze the effect of Yuetan reservoir construction on the water resources and water resources in the lower reaches of the distribution of the year on the Xin′an river basin , studies show that Yuetan reservoir has certain effect on the hydrological regimes on the Shuaishui and Xin′an river ,but it also has the function of dispel flood andcompensate .