Taiwan Hong Kong and Overseas Chinese Literature
Missionary sinologists%Joseph Marie de Pr émare%Joachim Bouvet%Pierre-Martial Cibot%The Book of Odes and Hymns
中国古典诗歌西传法国和欧洲,得益于18世纪知识渊博、汉学水平、文学造诣俱佳的传教士汉学家率先译介与引进。本文仅以来华耶稣会士马若瑟(Joseph Marie de Prémare,1666-1735)、白晋(Joachim Bouvet,1656-1730)、韩国英(Pierre-Martial Cibot,1727-1780)神父译介《诗经》为例,对其诗译文本进行举证考析、解读,便可见出,《诗经》西渐法国(欧洲)初期,如何受制于译介者的传教布道的宗旨而形成其诗译的成败得失,以及中国诗歌(文学)西传法国和欧洲旅程中如何伴随18世纪传教士汉学的生成、发展而发展的某些特点。
中國古典詩歌西傳法國和歐洲,得益于18世紀知識淵博、漢學水平、文學造詣俱佳的傳教士漢學傢率先譯介與引進。本文僅以來華耶穌會士馬若瑟(Joseph Marie de Prémare,1666-1735)、白晉(Joachim Bouvet,1656-1730)、韓國英(Pierre-Martial Cibot,1727-1780)神父譯介《詩經》為例,對其詩譯文本進行舉證攷析、解讀,便可見齣,《詩經》西漸法國(歐洲)初期,如何受製于譯介者的傳教佈道的宗旨而形成其詩譯的成敗得失,以及中國詩歌(文學)西傳法國和歐洲旅程中如何伴隨18世紀傳教士漢學的生成、髮展而髮展的某些特點。
중국고전시가서전법국화구주,득익우18세기지식연박、한학수평、문학조예구가적전교사한학가솔선역개여인진。본문부이래화야소회사마약슬(Joseph Marie de Prémare,1666-1735)、백진(Joachim Bouvet,1656-1730)、한국영(Pierre-Martial Cibot,1727-1780)신부역개《시경》위례,대기시역문본진행거증고석、해독,편가견출,《시경》서점법국(구주)초기,여하수제우역개자적전교포도적종지이형성기시역적성패득실,이급중국시가(문학)서전법국화구주려정중여하반수18세기전교사한학적생성、발전이발전적모사특점。
The transmission westward of Chinese classical poetry into France and Europe benefited from the translation and introduction by the missionary sinologists in the 18th century who were knowledgeable about and versed in both the Chinese language and literature. This article, with the translated version of The Book of Odes and Hymns, by Jesuit missionaries who came to China such as Joseph Marie de Prémare(1666-1735), Joachim Bouvet(1656-1730)and Pierre-Martial Cibot (1727-1780), conducts an analysis of and reading into the translated version and finds how the success of the translation was affected by the evangelical tenets of the translators in the initial period in which The Book of Odes and Hymns found its way westward to France(Europe)as well as the characteristics of how Chinese poetry(and literature)developed along with the generative development of the missionary sinologists in the 18 th century as it spread westward to France and Europe.