Journal of South China University of Technology (Natural Science Edition)
amplify-and-forward%orthogonal frequency division multiplexing%carrier frequency offsets%outage probability%bit error rate
研究了存在载波频偏的正交频分复用(OFDM)放大转发(AF)中继系统的中断概率和误码率。首先给出了存在载波频偏时系统信噪比及其概率分布,然后推导出瑞利信道中存在载波频偏时系统中断概率和误码率的闭合表达式。为了更加直观,文中还给出了大信噪比时系统中断概率和误码率的错误下界,并通过数值仿真来验证理论分析的正确性。理论分析和仿真结果表明:存在载波频偏时,即使在大信噪比情形下系统的中断概率和误码率并不趋于0,而是趋于错误下界;OFDMAF 系统对载波频偏很敏感,随着信噪比的增大,系统性能随着载波频偏的增大迅速变差。
研究瞭存在載波頻偏的正交頻分複用(OFDM)放大轉髮(AF)中繼繫統的中斷概率和誤碼率。首先給齣瞭存在載波頻偏時繫統信譟比及其概率分佈,然後推導齣瑞利信道中存在載波頻偏時繫統中斷概率和誤碼率的閉閤錶達式。為瞭更加直觀,文中還給齣瞭大信譟比時繫統中斷概率和誤碼率的錯誤下界,併通過數值倣真來驗證理論分析的正確性。理論分析和倣真結果錶明:存在載波頻偏時,即使在大信譟比情形下繫統的中斷概率和誤碼率併不趨于0,而是趨于錯誤下界;OFDMAF 繫統對載波頻偏很敏感,隨著信譟比的增大,繫統性能隨著載波頻偏的增大迅速變差。
연구료존재재파빈편적정교빈분복용(OFDM)방대전발(AF)중계계통적중단개솔화오마솔。수선급출료존재재파빈편시계통신조비급기개솔분포,연후추도출서리신도중존재재파빈편시계통중단개솔화오마솔적폐합표체식。위료경가직관,문중환급출료대신조비시계통중단개솔화오마솔적착오하계,병통과수치방진래험증이론분석적정학성。이론분석화방진결과표명:존재재파빈편시,즉사재대신조비정형하계통적중단개솔화오마솔병불추우0,이시추우착오하계;OFDMAF 계통대재파빈편흔민감,수착신조비적증대,계통성능수착재파빈편적증대신속변차。
This paper deals with the bit error rate (BER)and outage probability of a dual hop OFDMAF relay sys-tem in the presence of carrier frequency offsets (CFO).First,the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)of the system and its probability distribution are put forward in the presence of CFO,and then the close-form expressions of the BER and outage probability of the system are derived with CFO in Rayleigh fading channels.In order to provide more in-sights,the error floors of the BER and outage probability of the system are also obtained.Moreover,a theoretical analysis is proved to be correct by simulation.The theoretical analysis and simulation results indicate that,in the presence of CFO,the BER and outage probability of the system tend to be the error floor but not zero even at a high SNR,and that the performance of OFDMAF relay system is very sensitive to the CFO,and the system performance gets worse rapidly with the increases of the CFO and the SNR.