Bulletin of Science and Technology
electronic commerce%cloud computing%logistics%control model
通过对电子商务的物流信任度渐进控制模型设计,进行网络实体对象的信任度评级,提高对商家的定量评估性能.传统的电子物流信任度控制模型采用自相关函数分析的模型设计方法,由于自相关特征分析的主观性较大,评价效果不好.提出一种基于互相关准则的电子物流信任度渐进控制模型.首先构建电子物流的资源数据库结构模型,构建用户信任评估机制与网络控制模型.采用DOI(Degree of Interest)互相关准则描述用户对资源的信任度评价,基于互相关准则,两个用户共同作出对彼此信任值模型的归一化评价.仿真实验表明,采用该模型,对电子物流信任度具有较好的渐进控制性能,信任度评价准确,估计精度较高,实现了基于互相关准则的电子物流信任度渐进控制,提高对电子物流商家的监管能力.
通過對電子商務的物流信任度漸進控製模型設計,進行網絡實體對象的信任度評級,提高對商傢的定量評估性能.傳統的電子物流信任度控製模型採用自相關函數分析的模型設計方法,由于自相關特徵分析的主觀性較大,評價效果不好.提齣一種基于互相關準則的電子物流信任度漸進控製模型.首先構建電子物流的資源數據庫結構模型,構建用戶信任評估機製與網絡控製模型.採用DOI(Degree of Interest)互相關準則描述用戶對資源的信任度評價,基于互相關準則,兩箇用戶共同作齣對彼此信任值模型的歸一化評價.倣真實驗錶明,採用該模型,對電子物流信任度具有較好的漸進控製性能,信任度評價準確,估計精度較高,實現瞭基于互相關準則的電子物流信任度漸進控製,提高對電子物流商傢的鑑管能力.
통과대전자상무적물류신임도점진공제모형설계,진행망락실체대상적신임도평급,제고대상가적정량평고성능.전통적전자물류신임도공제모형채용자상관함수분석적모형설계방법,유우자상관특정분석적주관성교대,평개효과불호.제출일충기우호상관준칙적전자물류신임도점진공제모형.수선구건전자물류적자원수거고결구모형,구건용호신임평고궤제여망락공제모형.채용DOI(Degree of Interest)호상관준칙묘술용호대자원적신임도평개,기우호상관준칙,량개용호공동작출대피차신임치모형적귀일화평개.방진실험표명,채용해모형,대전자물류신임도구유교호적점진공제성능,신임도평개준학,고계정도교고,실현료기우호상관준칙적전자물류신임도점진공제,제고대전자물류상가적감관능력.
The impact of knee mechanics analysis model of high altitude exercise fall, driving torque and dynamic parame- ters of human lower limb joints, provides the model and the data base for the guidance of scientific sports training and sports medicine. Impact mechanics of knee motion analysis of high altitude falling after the traditional method of the knee joint model can solve the local force and force parameters of each joint, knee and lower limb function and the driving force of impact energy parameters modeling difficulty movement. An analysis model of driving air sports fall based on the struc-ture of the seven link rear impact dynamics is proposed. Construction at high altitude after landing leg knee motion of hu-man body even mathematical model, analysis the impact of the kinematic chain knee pose transformation relations, the 7 connecting rod to drive the structure of the human body at high altitude after the fall of the lower limb was decomposed 7 connecting rod structure, the dynamic equation of Lagrange to achieve the overall impact of mechanical parameters analy-sis, obtains the optimization solution vector. Simulation results show that the stress analysis model and stress analysis of the knee impact approximation to the theoretical value, high accuracy, excellent performance, it can provide accurate data ba-sis for sports training and sports medicine.