Journal of Yibin University
Homeowners'rights protection%citizen society%social movement
学界对业主维权是否预示着公民社会到来存在争议. 从业主维权目标上看,业主仅是为了社区利益,没有尊重他人利益或社会利益;从运动手段上看,业主维权采取非正式政治与策略性行动,缺乏规则意识;从社区自治角度看,业主在社区治理的常态下自治非常困难,缺乏自治精神与能力;从公民素养看,业主维权行动不妥协和不理性,缺乏理性、平等、宽容、妥协和志愿精神为特征的公民精神. 判断一个社会运动是否具有公民社会的特质,除了看它是否具有民主政治和市场经济体制的外在制度背景外,还要看运动目标是否有公共性追求的外溢性,是否有将运动目标上升为公共议题的更高层次的价值追求,公民个人是否具有公民精神,整个运动是否能超越自身利益,并能将个人利益与他人利益和社会利益统一起来. 以此标准看,我国一些环保运动、NGO参与的劳工政治具有公民社会特质,能催生公民社会.
學界對業主維權是否預示著公民社會到來存在爭議. 從業主維權目標上看,業主僅是為瞭社區利益,沒有尊重他人利益或社會利益;從運動手段上看,業主維權採取非正式政治與策略性行動,缺乏規則意識;從社區自治角度看,業主在社區治理的常態下自治非常睏難,缺乏自治精神與能力;從公民素養看,業主維權行動不妥協和不理性,缺乏理性、平等、寬容、妥協和誌願精神為特徵的公民精神. 判斷一箇社會運動是否具有公民社會的特質,除瞭看它是否具有民主政治和市場經濟體製的外在製度揹景外,還要看運動目標是否有公共性追求的外溢性,是否有將運動目標上升為公共議題的更高層次的價值追求,公民箇人是否具有公民精神,整箇運動是否能超越自身利益,併能將箇人利益與他人利益和社會利益統一起來. 以此標準看,我國一些環保運動、NGO參與的勞工政治具有公民社會特質,能催生公民社會.
학계대업주유권시부예시착공민사회도래존재쟁의. 종업주유권목표상간,업주부시위료사구이익,몰유존중타인이익혹사회이익;종운동수단상간,업주유권채취비정식정치여책략성행동,결핍규칙의식;종사구자치각도간,업주재사구치리적상태하자치비상곤난,결핍자치정신여능력;종공민소양간,업주유권행동불타협화불이성,결핍이성、평등、관용、타협화지원정신위특정적공민정신. 판단일개사회운동시부구유공민사회적특질,제료간타시부구유민주정치화시장경제체제적외재제도배경외,환요간운동목표시부유공공성추구적외일성,시부유장운동목표상승위공공의제적경고층차적개치추구,공민개인시부구유공민정신,정개운동시부능초월자신이익,병능장개인이익여타인이익화사회이익통일기래. 이차표준간,아국일사배보운동、NGO삼여적노공정치구유공민사회특질,능최생공민사회.
There are disputes over whether homeowners ' rights protection showed civil society or not in aca-demic circles.Through the analysis of the connotation of civil society and contrast standard of citizen socie -ty, it is hard to draw the conclusion that the civil society will come .From the homeowners ' rights target point of view , the homeowners are only for the benefit of their own community , and do not respect the inter-ests of the society .From the movement means point of view , the homeowners use informal political action , and lack rule consciousness .From the community autonomy point of view , self-governing is difficult because the homeowners lack autonomous spirit and ability .From the citizen spirits point of view , homeowners ' rights protection is not rational , lacking sense , equality , tolerance , concession and volunteer .Whether a so-cial movement has the characteristics of civil society or not depends on the followings :its external system of democracy and market economy , its public pursuit of social movement , a higher level of the public value pursuit of issues , the citizen ' s spirit individuality , the movement targets of homeowners beyond their own in-terests, and the common interests of the personage , the others and the society .According to this standard , some of the the environmental movements in China , and the labor politics movements of NGOs may promote a civil society .