Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering
regulation%land use%classification%suburb of metropolis%3-Level concentrated prime farmland zoning%classified regulatory mechanism%concentrated intensive%permanent protection
针对大都市边缘区城市拓展与农地保护矛盾尖锐、景观破碎化、权属细碎化、整体布局稳定性差等问题,开展三级基本农田集中保护区分级划定及调控机制研究,对大都市边缘区保红线保发展促集约促创新具有重要意义.该文以北京市昌平区为例,提出三级基本农田集中保护区划定的总体思路,构建基本农田集中保护区识别指标体系,划定基本农田集中保护区,并将基本农田集中保护区分为市区乡三级,在此基础上探讨基本农田集中保护区分级调控机制.研究划定了1个市级基本农田集中保护区、6个区级基本农田集中保护区、6个乡级基本农田集中保护区,规划土地整治复耕1 149.97 hm2,使单位基本农田经营规模提高到38.76 hm2,使3 hm2以下细小图斑降低至1.21%,实现了昌平区内96.63%的基本农田集中连片保护,建立了规划调控、用途管制、奖惩联动分级调控机制.研究结果可为国家制定基本农田保护区分级保护政策和开展同类研究提供参考,为地方政府提高基本农田保护区保护质量和管理效率提供思路借鉴.
針對大都市邊緣區城市拓展與農地保護矛盾尖銳、景觀破碎化、權屬細碎化、整體佈跼穩定性差等問題,開展三級基本農田集中保護區分級劃定及調控機製研究,對大都市邊緣區保紅線保髮展促集約促創新具有重要意義.該文以北京市昌平區為例,提齣三級基本農田集中保護區劃定的總體思路,構建基本農田集中保護區識彆指標體繫,劃定基本農田集中保護區,併將基本農田集中保護區分為市區鄉三級,在此基礎上探討基本農田集中保護區分級調控機製.研究劃定瞭1箇市級基本農田集中保護區、6箇區級基本農田集中保護區、6箇鄉級基本農田集中保護區,規劃土地整治複耕1 149.97 hm2,使單位基本農田經營規模提高到38.76 hm2,使3 hm2以下細小圖斑降低至1.21%,實現瞭昌平區內96.63%的基本農田集中連片保護,建立瞭規劃調控、用途管製、獎懲聯動分級調控機製.研究結果可為國傢製定基本農田保護區分級保護政策和開展同類研究提供參攷,為地方政府提高基本農田保護區保護質量和管理效率提供思路藉鑒.
침대대도시변연구성시탁전여농지보호모순첨예、경관파쇄화、권속세쇄화、정체포국은정성차등문제,개전삼급기본농전집중보호구분급화정급조공궤제연구,대대도시변연구보홍선보발전촉집약촉창신구유중요의의.해문이북경시창평구위례,제출삼급기본농전집중보호구화정적총체사로,구건기본농전집중보호구식별지표체계,화정기본농전집중보호구,병장기본농전집중보호구분위시구향삼급,재차기출상탐토기본농전집중보호구분급조공궤제.연구화정료1개시급기본농전집중보호구、6개구급기본농전집중보호구、6개향급기본농전집중보호구,규화토지정치복경1 149.97 hm2,사단위기본농전경영규모제고도38.76 hm2,사3 hm2이하세소도반강저지1.21%,실현료창평구내96.63%적기본농전집중련편보호,건립료규화조공、용도관제、장징련동분급조공궤제.연구결과가위국가제정기본농전보호구분급보호정책화개전동류연구제공삼고,위지방정부제고기본농전보호구보호질량화관리효솔제공사로차감.
In view of increasing acute contradiction between urban expansion and farmland preservation, landscape and ownership fragmentation and the unstable overall layout characteristics of prime farmland in the metropolitan suburb, it is of great significance to study three-level concentrated prime farmland protection areas zoning and classified regulatory mechanism in the metropolitan suburb, which would keep the balance between the farmland preservation and urban development, and promote intensive and innovative land use. The paper aimed at exploring the permanent protection mechanism of prime farmland in metropolitan suburb combining protection with development, management, and environment improvement. Taking the typical metropolis suburb Changping District as the case study area, this paper firstly specified five objectives of the permanent protection mechanism, namely, the layout centralization, construction reduction, function diversification, management differentiation and capital intensification. With the concentrated prime farmland identification index system built, composed of 11 indicators, this paper analyzed the concentrated degree, the stability and rehabilitation potential. Data mainly comes from the second national land survey data updated to 2013 and land use planning database of Changping District. Meanwhile, alternative concentrated prime farmland areas were filtered and classified, according to the AHP identification results and the classify guideline of "Function, Spatial, Scale" principle. Three levels were categorized, the municipal-level, the district-level and the township-level respectively. The three-level concentrated prime farmland special planning is used to clarify the protection responsibility target at all levels and spatial control regulation, determine the evaluation indexes such as quantity, quality and function of prime farmland, and establish the "economic compensation and index reward" joint horizontal mechanism and three-level "rewards and punishments" joint vertical mechanism. The results indicated that: 13 three-classified prime farmland protection areas were demarcated including one municipal concentrated protection area, six district areas and six township areas, which achieved 96.63% of the prime farmland protection in Changping District. Three-classified farmland protection areas zoning revitalized the stock of construction land effectively, taped the reserve cultivated land resources fully, and increased 1 149.97 hm2 cultivated land. The zoning also relieved the landscape and ownership fragmentation, enhanced the management unit scale to 38.76 hm2, and lowered the degree of landscape and ownership fragmentation to 1.21%. In addition, it optimized the farmland landscape pattern, expanded the multiple function of basic farmland utility: after delimiting 6 809.06 hm2 basic production function farmland protection area, it also expanded 1 172.88 hm2 landscape function centralized protection area, 1 003.03 hm2 ecological function protected area, and 807.03 hm2 blocking function centralized protection area. Moreover, it improved the prime farmland protection enthusiasm of the township and reduced the urban burden of two levels of capital and management pressure. The results could save 329.83 million Yuan for financial capital. The mechanism, three-level concentrated prime farmland protection areas zoning and classified regulatory in the metropolitan suburb, can guide the prime farmland concentrating, optimize the layout of prime farmland protection areas, extend the multi-function roles of prime farmland, strengthen the decentralized management of prime farmland, concentrate prime farmland capital allocation, then promote the scale management of prime farmland and improve the quality of the protection. With the farmland landscape pattern optimized and protection fund allocation efficiency and management efficiency improved, the results can help provide reference to decision makers and relevant researches for the national spatial planning of prime farmland protection and targeted policies making.