Guangxi Sciences
pedestrian traffic%cellular automata%exit selection%cost factor
【目的】研究行人流在不同设定条件下选择合理出口的行为,为多出口室内行人疏散提供参考。【方法】采用元胞自动机模型,在静态场的基础上,模拟行人流在多出口室内的出口选择行为。在模型中引入出口代价,即行人选择目标出口时需要考虑的距离及其与他人竞争因素的加权平均(权重为 k )。为实现出口选择机制,赋予每个出口元胞1个单元场,当行人评估出室内最小代价值的出口时,选用该出口的单元场来进行迁移。【结果】当权重 k 合适(区间较大)时,在初始行人分布均匀或不均匀、出口分布对称或不对称,以及在疏散过程中增加应急出口的情况下,行人都会充分利用空闲的出口,使不同的出口都聚集大致相等的人数;而且应急出口打开时间越早行人流疏散的效果越好,应急出口打开过晚时行人疏散的效果甚至会比没有应急出口的情况还差。【结论】出口代价的引入,使模型能合理地描述多出口的室内行人疏散。
【目的】研究行人流在不同設定條件下選擇閤理齣口的行為,為多齣口室內行人疏散提供參攷。【方法】採用元胞自動機模型,在靜態場的基礎上,模擬行人流在多齣口室內的齣口選擇行為。在模型中引入齣口代價,即行人選擇目標齣口時需要攷慮的距離及其與他人競爭因素的加權平均(權重為 k )。為實現齣口選擇機製,賦予每箇齣口元胞1箇單元場,噹行人評估齣室內最小代價值的齣口時,選用該齣口的單元場來進行遷移。【結果】噹權重 k 閤適(區間較大)時,在初始行人分佈均勻或不均勻、齣口分佈對稱或不對稱,以及在疏散過程中增加應急齣口的情況下,行人都會充分利用空閒的齣口,使不同的齣口都聚集大緻相等的人數;而且應急齣口打開時間越早行人流疏散的效果越好,應急齣口打開過晚時行人疏散的效果甚至會比沒有應急齣口的情況還差。【結論】齣口代價的引入,使模型能閤理地描述多齣口的室內行人疏散。
【목적】연구행인류재불동설정조건하선택합리출구적행위,위다출구실내행인소산제공삼고。【방법】채용원포자동궤모형,재정태장적기출상,모의행인류재다출구실내적출구선택행위。재모형중인입출구대개,즉행인선택목표출구시수요고필적거리급기여타인경쟁인소적가권평균(권중위 k )。위실현출구선택궤제,부여매개출구원포1개단원장,당행인평고출실내최소대개치적출구시,선용해출구적단원장래진행천이。【결과】당권중 k 합괄(구간교대)시,재초시행인분포균균혹불균균、출구분포대칭혹불대칭,이급재소산과정중증가응급출구적정황하,행인도회충분이용공한적출구,사불동적출구도취집대치상등적인수;이차응급출구타개시간월조행인류소산적효과월호,응급출구타개과만시행인소산적효과심지회비몰유응급출구적정황환차。【결론】출구대개적인입,사모형능합리지묘술다출구적실내행인소산。
Objective]We simulate pedestrian evacuation in an optimal way that pedestrians choose an exit in a multi-exit room.[Methods]The paper proposes a model that can simulate pedestrians choosing exit in a multi-exit room or in a room with emergency exits which can be activated at a certain time step during the evacuation.The pedestrians choose an exit in the model by a way that pedestrians weigh all the exits in the room with two factors:One is the distance weighted by k and the other is the competition weighted by 1 -k .The cost is defined as the sum of the two factors with weight.With every exit cell in the room having a “unit field”, the pedestrians choose a lowest cost exit and move by the “unit field”of the exit chosen.[Re-sults]When the weight k is suitable,pedestrians will make full use of idle exit at different situa-tions,so that there are roughly equal number of people gathered at different exits.The emer-gency exit should open as soon as possible before it opens too late otherwise the evacuation time will take longer than the situation that have no emergency exit and the pedestrian will choose a reasonable exit to evacuate.[Conclusion]The introduction of the cost factor in the model can reasonably describe indoor pe-destrian evacuation in the multi-exits.