Journal of Qilu Nursing
Solution - focused nursing model%Gastric cancer%Self - care ability%Self - efficacy%Quality of life
目的:探讨聚焦解决护理模式对胃癌围术期患者自护能力及自我效能的影响。方法:将84例行胃癌根治手术患者按随机数字表分为观察组与对照组各42例,对照组给予围术期常规性护理,观察组在此基础上给予聚焦解决护理模式;分别于入院时及出院前1天采用自护能力量表、自我效能量表及简易健康量表,对两组患者自护能力、自我效能及生活质量进行评价。结果:两组干预后自护能力、自我效能及生活质量评分均高于干预后,且观察组显著高于对照组( P ﹤0.05)。结论:聚焦解决护理模式能有效提高胃癌围术期患者自护能力及自我效能,从而改善患者生活质量。
目的:探討聚焦解決護理模式對胃癌圍術期患者自護能力及自我效能的影響。方法:將84例行胃癌根治手術患者按隨機數字錶分為觀察組與對照組各42例,對照組給予圍術期常規性護理,觀察組在此基礎上給予聚焦解決護理模式;分彆于入院時及齣院前1天採用自護能力量錶、自我效能量錶及簡易健康量錶,對兩組患者自護能力、自我效能及生活質量進行評價。結果:兩組榦預後自護能力、自我效能及生活質量評分均高于榦預後,且觀察組顯著高于對照組( P ﹤0.05)。結論:聚焦解決護理模式能有效提高胃癌圍術期患者自護能力及自我效能,從而改善患者生活質量。
목적:탐토취초해결호리모식대위암위술기환자자호능력급자아효능적영향。방법:장84례행위암근치수술환자안수궤수자표분위관찰조여대조조각42례,대조조급여위술기상규성호리,관찰조재차기출상급여취초해결호리모식;분별우입원시급출원전1천채용자호능역량표、자아효능량표급간역건강량표,대량조환자자호능력、자아효능급생활질량진행평개。결과:량조간예후자호능력、자아효능급생활질량평분균고우간예후,차관찰조현저고우대조조( P ﹤0.05)。결론:취초해결호리모식능유효제고위암위술기환자자호능력급자아효능,종이개선환자생활질량。
Objective:To investigate the effect of solution - focused nursing model on self - efficacy and self - care ability of patients with gastric cancer. Methods:84 patients undergoing radical surgery for gastric cancer were randomly divided into the observation group and the control group(42 cases in each group). The patients in the control group were given routine perioperative nursing care and the patients in the observation group were provided nursing care by using solution - focused nursing model,the self - care ability scale,self - efficacy scale and short - form health survey were used to evaluate the self - care ability,self - efficacy and quality of life of the patients in the two groups respectively on admission and one day before discharge. Results:The scores of the self - care ability,self - efficacy and quality of life of the patients were higher after the intervention than those before the intervention in the two groups and the scores were significantly higher in the observation group than the control group(P ﹤ 0. 05). Conclusion:The solution - focused nursing model can effectively im-prove the self - care ability,self - efficacy and the life quality of patients with gastric cancer.