Journal of Modern Urology
flexible ureteroscopy%large renal calculi%treatment%repeated operations
肾结石是泌尿外科最常见的疾病之一.而>2 cm肾结石的治疗也一直是泌尿外科医师关注的一个焦点.经皮肾镜取石术 (PCNL)被认为是>2 cm肾结石治疗的首选方法 ,但仍面临着肾功能损害、术中术后大出血、感染性休克等严重并发症.输尿管软镜(FURS)很大程度上减少了肾功能损害、大出血的发生率 ,具有良好的安全性.而 FURS在>2 cm肾结石的治疗中也表现出了高效性.但另一方面 ,治疗较大肾结石时 ,FURS往往不能将结石一次性清除.FURS是否可以反复用于治疗大的肾结石?限制次数是多少?我们认为 ,FURS是一种安全有效的手术方式 ,可以反复实施 ,手术次数不要大于3次 ,具体应由患者的基础情况、肾脏解剖结构、结石的性质以及患者的主观意愿和经济承受能力等决定.
腎結石是泌尿外科最常見的疾病之一.而>2 cm腎結石的治療也一直是泌尿外科醫師關註的一箇焦點.經皮腎鏡取石術 (PCNL)被認為是>2 cm腎結石治療的首選方法 ,但仍麵臨著腎功能損害、術中術後大齣血、感染性休剋等嚴重併髮癥.輸尿管軟鏡(FURS)很大程度上減少瞭腎功能損害、大齣血的髮生率 ,具有良好的安全性.而 FURS在>2 cm腎結石的治療中也錶現齣瞭高效性.但另一方麵 ,治療較大腎結石時 ,FURS往往不能將結石一次性清除.FURS是否可以反複用于治療大的腎結石?限製次數是多少?我們認為 ,FURS是一種安全有效的手術方式 ,可以反複實施 ,手術次數不要大于3次 ,具體應由患者的基礎情況、腎髒解剖結構、結石的性質以及患者的主觀意願和經濟承受能力等決定.
신결석시비뇨외과최상견적질병지일.이>2 cm신결석적치료야일직시비뇨외과의사관주적일개초점.경피신경취석술 (PCNL)피인위시>2 cm신결석치료적수선방법 ,단잉면림착신공능손해、술중술후대출혈、감염성휴극등엄중병발증.수뇨관연경(FURS)흔대정도상감소료신공능손해、대출혈적발생솔 ,구유량호적안전성.이 FURS재>2 cm신결석적치료중야표현출료고효성.단령일방면 ,치료교대신결석시 ,FURS왕왕불능장결석일차성청제.FURS시부가이반복용우치료대적신결석?한제차수시다소?아문인위 ,FURS시일충안전유효적수술방식 ,가이반복실시 ,수술차수불요대우3차 ,구체응유환자적기출정황、신장해부결구、결석적성질이급환자적주관의원화경제승수능력등결정.
Renal calculus is one of the most common urological diseases ,and the treatment of renal calculi greater than 2 cm has been the focus of urologists .For a long time ,percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL) is the preferred treatment ,but it may cause impairment of renal function ,intraoperative and postoperative bleeding ,septic shock and other serious complica-tions .Besides ,it is not applicable for patients with solitary kidney and coagulation disorders .Fortunately ,flexible ureterosco-py (FURS) makes up the deficiency of PCNL .FURS is safe and effective ,for it largely reduces damage on renal function and incidence of massive hemorrhage .Therefore ,FURS has become an important treatment approach for patients with high risk PCNL .However ,due to the limitations of equipment ,FURS is unable to completely remove the stones in one session .Can FURS be performed repeatedly to treat large renal calculi?We consider that FURS can be performed repeatedly for 3 times at the most .The number of operation depends on the patient's general condition ,renal anatomy ,property of the stones ,subjec-tive wishes and economic capability .