Tobacco Science & Technology
Flue-cured tobacco%Biochar%Plastid pigment%Substance metabolism%Cell structure%Gene expression
为揭示生物炭对烤烟质体色素代谢的影响机理,以烤烟品种K326为材料,从细胞组织结构、基因表达以及物质代谢三个层面进行了研究.细胞超微结构分析表明:中部叶成熟早期,添加300和600 kg/hm2生物炭烟叶类囊体片层数量较多,随着叶片成熟类囊体片层数量减少,不施用生物炭的对照烟叶类囊体片层数量减少更明显.基因表达分析显示:打顶后色素合成相关基因的表达逐渐减弱,色素降解相关基因的表达增强;添加300和600 kg/hm2生物炭,烟叶类胡萝卜素合成及降解相关基因表达相对较强.物质代谢分析表明:打顶后烟叶色素含量(质量分数)逐渐降低;添加生物炭后色素积累较多.中部叶成熟后期,添加300 kg/hm2生物炭的处理烟叶色素积累最多,随生物炭施用量的增加,烟叶色素积累减少并接近对照.添加300 kg/hm2生物炭的处理调制后烟叶色素降解产物及中性致香物质总量最高,而不施用生物炭的处理最低.因此,施用适量生物炭有利于成熟期烟叶色素的代谢及调制后烟叶中性致香物质的形成.
為揭示生物炭對烤煙質體色素代謝的影響機理,以烤煙品種K326為材料,從細胞組織結構、基因錶達以及物質代謝三箇層麵進行瞭研究.細胞超微結構分析錶明:中部葉成熟早期,添加300和600 kg/hm2生物炭煙葉類囊體片層數量較多,隨著葉片成熟類囊體片層數量減少,不施用生物炭的對照煙葉類囊體片層數量減少更明顯.基因錶達分析顯示:打頂後色素閤成相關基因的錶達逐漸減弱,色素降解相關基因的錶達增彊;添加300和600 kg/hm2生物炭,煙葉類鬍蘿蔔素閤成及降解相關基因錶達相對較彊.物質代謝分析錶明:打頂後煙葉色素含量(質量分數)逐漸降低;添加生物炭後色素積纍較多.中部葉成熟後期,添加300 kg/hm2生物炭的處理煙葉色素積纍最多,隨生物炭施用量的增加,煙葉色素積纍減少併接近對照.添加300 kg/hm2生物炭的處理調製後煙葉色素降解產物及中性緻香物質總量最高,而不施用生物炭的處理最低.因此,施用適量生物炭有利于成熟期煙葉色素的代謝及調製後煙葉中性緻香物質的形成.
위게시생물탄대고연질체색소대사적영향궤리,이고연품충K326위재료,종세포조직결구、기인표체이급물질대사삼개층면진행료연구.세포초미결구분석표명:중부협성숙조기,첨가300화600 kg/hm2생물탄연협류낭체편층수량교다,수착협편성숙류낭체편층수량감소,불시용생물탄적대조연협류낭체편층수량감소경명현.기인표체분석현시:타정후색소합성상관기인적표체축점감약,색소강해상관기인적표체증강;첨가300화600 kg/hm2생물탄,연협류호라복소합성급강해상관기인표체상대교강.물질대사분석표명:타정후연협색소함량(질량분수)축점강저;첨가생물탄후색소적루교다.중부협성숙후기,첨가300 kg/hm2생물탄적처리연협색소적루최다,수생물탄시용량적증가,연협색소적루감소병접근대조.첨가300 kg/hm2생물탄적처리조제후연협색소강해산물급중성치향물질총량최고,이불시용생물탄적처리최저.인차,시용괄량생물탄유리우성숙기연협색소적대사급조제후연협중성치향물질적형성.
To reveal the influence mechanism of biochar on the plastid pigment metabolism in flue-cured tobacco, the cell structure, gene expression and substance metabolism of cv. K326 were studied. Cell ultrastructure analysis indicated that: at the early mature stage of middle leaves, the thylakoid lamellae content in leaves treated by biochar application rate of 300 or 600 kg/ha was higher and decreased along with the development of tobacco leaves, and it decreased more obviously in the leaves without biochar application (the control). Gene expression analysis showed that: the expression of genes related to plastid pigment synthesis reduced gradually, while the expression of genes related to plastid pigment degradation increased after topping; and the expression of genes related to carotenoid biosynthesis and degradation was relatively stronger by biochar treatement at the rate of 300 or 600 kg/ha. Substance metabolism analysis suggested that: the plastid pigment content in leaves reduced gradually after topping; biochar application increased the plastid pigment accumulation in leaves. At the later stage of middle leaf maturing, the plastid pigment accumulation reached the highest in leaves treated by biochar at the rate of 300 kg/ha, while it decreased and was close to that in the control with the increase of biochar application rate. The contents of pigment degradation products and neutral aroma components in cured leaves treated by biochar at the rate of 300 kg/ha were the highest, while those in leaves without applying biochar were the lowest. Therefore, applying biochar at an appropriate rate is beneficial to the pigment metabolism in leaves at mature stage and the formation of neutral aroma components in cured leaves.