Journal of Atomic and Molecular Physics
Laser plasma channel antenna%Propagation model%Radiation characteristic%Coupling%Multi -photon nonlinear Compton scattering
By using the model of multi - photon nonlinear Compton scattering and the numerical computing means, the properties of the propagation and radiation of laser plasma channel antenna are studied. The results show that the attenuation constant of the propagation model THnm is clearly increased along the increases of the dielectric loss near the channel and the propagation model step number. The causes are that the electric field and magnetic field in and outside the channel are increased by Compton scattering, the collision frequency between the particle and particle is increased, and even more energies are absorbed by the even molecules ionized by Compton scattering. The phase moving constant is clearly decreased by the electric loss dielectric along the in-creasing model step number. This is dus to the possibility on the capture of the high step model by the coupling electric field. Near 0. 7 coupling plasma frequency, the attenuation constant is acutely increased along the in-creasing frequency. The cause are that the 2 nd and 3 rd step ionizations of the medium molecule are taken by Compton scattering, and the even more electrons are sharply accelerated by the coupling electric field. The num-bers of the main and vice piece, the widths and the maximum radiation directions in the map of the antenna radi-ation direction are clearly changed along the increasing antenna length. The cause are that because of the scatter-ing,the antenna frequency is creased, the radiation wave length is decreased, the probability particle ionization is increased, and the energy and radiation wave frequency composition are increased.