Progress In Fishery Sciences
Liusha Bay%Zooplankton%Scallops%Fish cage%Principal components analysis
于2012年5月–2013年1月对流沙湾海区浮游动物进行了周年性的季度调查,共检出浮游动物41种、幼体17类,以桡足类居多(29种)。亚强次真哲水蚤(Subeucalanus subcrassus)、短尾类幼虫(Brachyuran larva)、长尾幼体(Macruran larva)在四季均有出现,并在3个季度中成为优势种。年均浮游动物丰度和生物量分别为48.12 ind./m3、13.43 mg/m3。扇贝主养区、鱼类网箱养殖区和珍珠贝养殖区的各季浮游动物丰度及生物量均低于对照区(非养殖区);大中型浮游动物主要出现在对照区,而在鱼、贝养殖区极少出现。冬季扇贝主养区多样性指数为各区最高,其浮游动物丰度、生物量迅速回升,高于鱼类网箱养殖区和珍珠贝养殖区,但仍低于对照区。研究结果显示,鱼、贝养殖区域流沙湾海区的浮游动物丰度及生物量比往年明显减小,浮游动物的小型化加剧。
于2012年5月–2013年1月對流沙灣海區浮遊動物進行瞭週年性的季度調查,共檢齣浮遊動物41種、幼體17類,以橈足類居多(29種)。亞彊次真哲水蚤(Subeucalanus subcrassus)、短尾類幼蟲(Brachyuran larva)、長尾幼體(Macruran larva)在四季均有齣現,併在3箇季度中成為優勢種。年均浮遊動物豐度和生物量分彆為48.12 ind./m3、13.43 mg/m3。扇貝主養區、魚類網箱養殖區和珍珠貝養殖區的各季浮遊動物豐度及生物量均低于對照區(非養殖區);大中型浮遊動物主要齣現在對照區,而在魚、貝養殖區極少齣現。鼕季扇貝主養區多樣性指數為各區最高,其浮遊動物豐度、生物量迅速迴升,高于魚類網箱養殖區和珍珠貝養殖區,但仍低于對照區。研究結果顯示,魚、貝養殖區域流沙灣海區的浮遊動物豐度及生物量比往年明顯減小,浮遊動物的小型化加劇。
우2012년5월–2013년1월대류사만해구부유동물진행료주년성적계도조사,공검출부유동물41충、유체17류,이뇨족류거다(29충)。아강차진철수조(Subeucalanus subcrassus)、단미류유충(Brachyuran larva)、장미유체(Macruran larva)재사계균유출현,병재3개계도중성위우세충。년균부유동물봉도화생물량분별위48.12 ind./m3、13.43 mg/m3。선패주양구、어류망상양식구화진주패양식구적각계부유동물봉도급생물량균저우대조구(비양식구);대중형부유동물주요출현재대조구,이재어、패양식구겁소출현。동계선패주양구다양성지수위각구최고,기부유동물봉도、생물량신속회승,고우어류망상양식구화진주패양식구,단잉저우대조구。연구결과현시,어、패양식구역류사만해구적부유동물봉도급생물량비왕년명현감소,부유동물적소형화가극。
Seasonal investigations on zooplankton community in Liusha Bay were carried out from May 2012 to January 2013. A total of 41 species and 17 groups of pelagic larvae were recorded, in which the copepod was the majority (29 species).Subeucalanus subcrassus, Brachyuran larva and Macruran larva were the dominant species seasonally in three quarters. The annual average density and biomass were 48.12 ind./m3 and 13.43 mg/m3, respectively. In general, the density, biomass and diversity index of zooplankton were lower in autumn than those in spring and summer, and these indices in inner bay were lower than those in outer bay. The zooplankton density was barely positively correlated to nitrite, while the zooplankton biomass had significant correlations with multiple environmental factors such as nitrite, ammonium and total nitrogen. Compared with the control (non-culture area), the density and biomass in the main scallop culture area, the fish culture area and the oyster culture area were lower. Rarely found in culture areas, large and medium-sized zooplankton mainly appeared in the non-culture area. In autumn, the density ofAcartia erythraea was higher in the fish culture area than those in the other areas. During winter, the diversity index of zooplankton in the main scallop culture area was the highest (2.97). Large and medium sized species of zooplankton mainly appeared in the control area in all reasons. In spring,Subeucalanus subcrassus appeared with absolute predominance (66.04%) in the control area.In summer, the biomass ofS. subcrassus and Flaccisagitta enflatawere the highest in the control area (accounting for 0.3% and 0.8%, respectively) and the lowest in the main scallop culture area (accounting for 0 and 0.8%, respectively). In autumn, a spot ofA. erythraea were merely found in the control area and the fish culture area. The density and biomass in the main scallop culture area were rapidly increased from autumn to winter, although they were lower than those in the non-culture area but higher than those in the fish culture area and the oyster culture area. The results indicate an obvious decline in the density and biomass of zooplankton and a severe miniaturization of zooplankton in size in Liusha Bay with the culture of fish and shellfish.