Journal of Wuyi University (Natural Science Edition)
商圈 O2O%UTAUT模型%电子商务
商圈 O2O%UTAUT模型%電子商務
상권 O2O%UTAUT모형%전자상무
business circle O2O%UTAUT model%electronic commerce
基于整合型科技接受(UTAUT)模型,结合商圈 O2O模式的特点,构建了以个人创新性、移动便利性、娱乐感知、风险感知为影响因子的商圈 O2O 用户接受度影响因素模型,并根据模型提出了相应的假设,并通过结构方程建模验证假设。结果显示:个人创新性、移动便利性、娱乐感知显著影响用户接受该模式的意愿,风险感知对用户的使用意愿没有显著性影响,证明 UTAUT模型用于研究商圈 O2O模式是可行的。
基于整閤型科技接受(UTAUT)模型,結閤商圈 O2O模式的特點,構建瞭以箇人創新性、移動便利性、娛樂感知、風險感知為影響因子的商圈 O2O 用戶接受度影響因素模型,併根據模型提齣瞭相應的假設,併通過結構方程建模驗證假設。結果顯示:箇人創新性、移動便利性、娛樂感知顯著影響用戶接受該模式的意願,風險感知對用戶的使用意願沒有顯著性影響,證明 UTAUT模型用于研究商圈 O2O模式是可行的。
기우정합형과기접수(UTAUT)모형,결합상권 O2O모식적특점,구건료이개인창신성、이동편리성、오악감지、풍험감지위영향인자적상권 O2O 용호접수도영향인소모형,병근거모형제출료상응적가설,병통과결구방정건모험증가설。결과현시:개인창신성、이동편리성、오악감지현저영향용호접수해모식적의원,풍험감지대용호적사용의원몰유현저성영향,증명 UTAUT모형용우연구상권 O2O모식시가행적。
Based on the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology model, and in light of the characteristics of the business circle O2O mode, this study constructs an O2O user acceptance degree model with individual innovation, mobile convenience, perceived entertainment, and perceived risk as factors of influence, proposes the corresponding assumptions based on the model, and then verifies those assumptions by using the structural equation modeling. The result shows that individual innovation, mobile convenience, and perceived entertainment have significant influence on the willingness of users to accept the model and perceived risks have no significant effect. It is proved that the UTAUT model is feasible for the research on the O2O model.