Journal of South China Agricultural University (Social Science Edition)
peasants%petition%economic classification%class conflicts%class confrontation
立足于浙北 D 镇的个案考察,引入阶层对抗的解释框架,集中在村庄政治场域,对富人阶层参政以及村级资源分配逻辑的分析,揭示经济分化背景下农民上访行为背后所反映的阶层性特点。富人阶层通过对村级权力位置的争夺获得村级资源和利益的分配权,并遵循私人化、市场化的分配逻辑将底层排斥于外,并引起其中部分直接利益受损的底层村民以上访为主要斗争方式进行反抗。这说明在大量利益不断注入以及富人阶层当政的情况下,村庄缺乏合理、有效的利益分配机制,各阶层之间在村级资源和利益上形成了一种竞争和博弈关系。
立足于浙北 D 鎮的箇案攷察,引入階層對抗的解釋框架,集中在村莊政治場域,對富人階層參政以及村級資源分配邏輯的分析,揭示經濟分化揹景下農民上訪行為揹後所反映的階層性特點。富人階層通過對村級權力位置的爭奪穫得村級資源和利益的分配權,併遵循私人化、市場化的分配邏輯將底層排斥于外,併引起其中部分直接利益受損的底層村民以上訪為主要鬥爭方式進行反抗。這說明在大量利益不斷註入以及富人階層噹政的情況下,村莊缺乏閤理、有效的利益分配機製,各階層之間在村級資源和利益上形成瞭一種競爭和博弈關繫。
립족우절북 D 진적개안고찰,인입계층대항적해석광가,집중재촌장정치장역,대부인계층삼정이급촌급자원분배라집적분석,게시경제분화배경하농민상방행위배후소반영적계층성특점。부인계층통과대촌급권력위치적쟁탈획득촌급자원화이익적분배권,병준순사인화、시장화적분배라집장저층배척우외,병인기기중부분직접이익수손적저층촌민이상방위주요두쟁방식진행반항。저설명재대량이익불단주입이급부인계층당정적정황하,촌장결핍합리、유효적이익분배궤제,각계층지간재촌급자원화이익상형성료일충경쟁화박혁관계。
Based on the case study made in D Town of the north of Zhejiang Province,this article intro-duces an explanation framework of social class confrontation focusing on the political field of village,ana-lyses the political participation among the rich class and the logic of the village resources allocation,and reveals that under the background of economic classification peasants petition reflects the characters of different classes.The rich class fights for the position of village power in order to get the distribution rights of the village resources and profits,and follow the distribution logic of the private and market to ex-clude the bottom class.As a result,parts of the bottom -class peasants whose profits have been directly decreased fight for their own rights by petition.It means that when large numbers of profits pour into vil-lages and the rich class manages these profits,the villages lack reasonable and effective profits distribu-tion mechanism,and it has formed a kind of competition and game relationship among different classes for the village resources and profits.