Journal of Huaihua University
"local dream"%Shen Congwen%Wang Yuewen%comparative study
沈从文和王跃文是湘西具有代表性的两位作家 ,他们的小说 《边城》 和 《漫水》 ,分别是现代乡土小说和当代乡土小说中具有代表性的作品.《边城》 和 《漫水》 同以地域命名 ,同以诗意的语言进行表述 ,通过书写小人物的命运来展现一方山水的风土人情.在写法上 ,王跃文继承了沈从文 "乐园——失乐园——重建乐园" 的桃源模式 ,以及 "诗意追求——人性书写——重筑民族品格" 的叙事策略 ,又在写作立场、写作视域、情感态度上有新的超越.考虑到这两篇小说的特点 ,以比较的方式对它们进行表述 ,更能见出现代乡土小说与当代乡土小说从主题到写法上的联系与发展.
瀋從文和王躍文是湘西具有代錶性的兩位作傢 ,他們的小說 《邊城》 和 《漫水》 ,分彆是現代鄉土小說和噹代鄉土小說中具有代錶性的作品.《邊城》 和 《漫水》 同以地域命名 ,同以詩意的語言進行錶述 ,通過書寫小人物的命運來展現一方山水的風土人情.在寫法上 ,王躍文繼承瞭瀋從文 "樂園——失樂園——重建樂園" 的桃源模式 ,以及 "詩意追求——人性書寫——重築民族品格" 的敘事策略 ,又在寫作立場、寫作視域、情感態度上有新的超越.攷慮到這兩篇小說的特點 ,以比較的方式對它們進行錶述 ,更能見齣現代鄉土小說與噹代鄉土小說從主題到寫法上的聯繫與髮展.
침종문화왕약문시상서구유대표성적량위작가 ,타문적소설 《변성》 화 《만수》 ,분별시현대향토소설화당대향토소설중구유대표성적작품.《변성》 화 《만수》 동이지역명명 ,동이시의적어언진행표술 ,통과서사소인물적명운래전현일방산수적풍토인정.재사법상 ,왕약문계승료침종문 "악완——실악완——중건악완" 적도원모식 ,이급 "시의추구——인성서사——중축민족품격" 적서사책략 ,우재사작립장、사작시역、정감태도상유신적초월.고필도저량편소설적특점 ,이비교적방식대타문진행표술 ,경능견출현대향토소설여당대향토소설종주제도사법상적련계여발전.
Shen Congwen and Wang Yuewen are popular writers from Xiangxi Hunan , and Biancheng and Manshui are their famous works which are set in their hometown . These two novels partly represent the achievement of local novels of modern Chinese literature and Chinese contemporary literature . Biancheng and Manshui both are named after the places , poetic language is adopted , and both show the local conditions and customs by describing the life of small people . For the style of writing , Wang inherits the"paradise" patterns of Shen , revealing the processing of paradise , paradise-losing and rebuilding paradise . And the narrative strategy of these two novels are similar in some ways , such as poetic pursuing , humanity describing and the rebuilding of national features . But Wang is different in some aspects from Shen , such as the standing point , the viewpoint , and the emotional attitude of the writer . Considering the characteristics of these two works , we can understand better the relation and development of local novels of modern Chinese literature and Chinese contemporary literature from writing theme to writing style by comparing these two pieces of work .