Unconventional Oil & Gas
Bohai Oilfield%inefficient well%low-cost sidetrack drilling%mid-short radius%workover rig%residual oil
There are more and more low-production wells in Bohai Oilfield. At present, drilling adjustment wells or admin-istering inefficient wells are faced with such problems as high cost and less means. For this, we analyzed production status and residual oil distribution of the Oilfield, and found it necessary to use sidetrack drilling technology for inefficient well drilling. According to the drilling and completion technology, we proposed to use workover rig for sidetracking of middle-short radius wells, analyzed the feasibility of drilling and completion programs, and evaluated the marine workover rig ca-pacity. It was shown that the conventional drilling assembly of φ152.4mm drill bit+motor+logging while drilling tool ( LWD+MWD) +non-magnetic drill collar+jar+drill pipe could achieve the build-up rate below 10°/30m. The optimized well-bore configuration of sidetracking slim hole and technical program for completion and sand control are applicable for side-tracking drilling in Bohai Oilfield. Present offshore workover rigs could satisfy sidetrack drilling needs in terms of enhancing capacity, maximum torque, hydraulic cleaning, and etc. It is feasible to carry out sidetrack drilling for short-radium bore-hole in inefficient wells with present offshore workover rigs. Combined with case study, we assessed the economic results of applying sidetrack drilling technology to inefficient wells and found that short-radium borehole technology and optimized management measures during sidetrack drilling could greatly reduce drilling cost and enhance economic results.