Journal of Ningbo University (Natural Science & Engineering Edition)
voltage instability%induction motor%load disturbances%reactive power%STATCOM
鉴于感应电动机的负载扰动是电压失稳的一个主要原因,因此提出在临界转差率下,感应电动机消耗的无功功率与负载转矩近似相等这一观点;在此基础上,根据节点电压与无功功率的关系,推导出感应电动机接入点母线电压临界稳定值与负载转矩之间的具体关系式。设计了STATCOM 控制系统,基于 MATLAB/SIMULINK 对含感应电动机和 STATCOM 的一个配电系统进行仿真。仿真结果表明了观点与表达式的正确性,也揭示了STATCOM在稳定母线电压的基础上能够提高感应电动机的带负载能力,说明 STATCOM 对负荷引起的电压失稳具有抑制作用。
鑒于感應電動機的負載擾動是電壓失穩的一箇主要原因,因此提齣在臨界轉差率下,感應電動機消耗的無功功率與負載轉矩近似相等這一觀點;在此基礎上,根據節點電壓與無功功率的關繫,推導齣感應電動機接入點母線電壓臨界穩定值與負載轉矩之間的具體關繫式。設計瞭STATCOM 控製繫統,基于 MATLAB/SIMULINK 對含感應電動機和 STATCOM 的一箇配電繫統進行倣真。倣真結果錶明瞭觀點與錶達式的正確性,也揭示瞭STATCOM在穩定母線電壓的基礎上能夠提高感應電動機的帶負載能力,說明 STATCOM 對負荷引起的電壓失穩具有抑製作用。
감우감응전동궤적부재우동시전압실은적일개주요원인,인차제출재림계전차솔하,감응전동궤소모적무공공솔여부재전구근사상등저일관점;재차기출상,근거절점전압여무공공솔적관계,추도출감응전동궤접입점모선전압림계은정치여부재전구지간적구체관계식。설계료STATCOM 공제계통,기우 MATLAB/SIMULINK 대함감응전동궤화 STATCOM 적일개배전계통진행방진。방진결과표명료관점여표체식적정학성,야게시료STATCOM재은정모선전압적기출상능구제고감응전동궤적대부재능력,설명 STATCOM 대부하인기적전압실은구유억제작용。
The load disturbance of induction motor is one of the main reasons for bus voltage instability. The viewpoint is proposed that the reactive power consumed by induction motors is approximately equal to load torque in the critical slip. On this basis, the specific relationships is investigated between bus voltage and load torque. The control system of Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM) is then designed, and a power distribution system including induction motor and STATCOM is simulated using MATLAB/SIMULINK. Not only does the simulation results verify the correctness of the relationship between load torque and motor consumption, as well as the relationship between the minimum bus voltage and load torque in the critical stability, but also the fact that STATCOM can improve the stability of bus voltage and load capacity of the motor. This research proves that the STATCOM has the ability to restrain the voltage instability.