Journal of Bio-Education
health and education partnership%0 to 3 years of age%early education%early intervention
0~3岁是儿童体格、 心理和社会适应能力发展的关键期. 本文从脑科学和心理学的层面阐述科学依据. 通过近30年来医教结合的全国系列协作研究, 证明早期教育可以提高婴幼儿发育商和社会适应能力, 为今后全面发展奠定基础. 对于早产儿等高危儿, 通过早期干预可以预防或减轻智力低下、 脑瘫等伤残的发生, 提高人口素质, 并对有关教育、 医疗改革和政策制定提出建议, 以保证医教结合塑造最佳人生开端事业的发展.
0~3歲是兒童體格、 心理和社會適應能力髮展的關鍵期. 本文從腦科學和心理學的層麵闡述科學依據. 通過近30年來醫教結閤的全國繫列協作研究, 證明早期教育可以提高嬰幼兒髮育商和社會適應能力, 為今後全麵髮展奠定基礎. 對于早產兒等高危兒, 通過早期榦預可以預防或減輕智力低下、 腦癱等傷殘的髮生, 提高人口素質, 併對有關教育、 醫療改革和政策製定提齣建議, 以保證醫教結閤塑造最佳人生開耑事業的髮展.
0~3세시인동체격、 심리화사회괄응능력발전적관건기. 본문종뇌과학화심이학적층면천술과학의거. 통과근30년래의교결합적전국계렬협작연구, 증명조기교육가이제고영유인발육상화사회괄응능력, 위금후전면발전전정기출. 대우조산인등고위인, 통과조기간예가이예방혹감경지력저하、 뇌탄등상잔적발생, 제고인구소질, 병대유관교육、 의료개혁화정책제정제출건의, 이보증의교결합소조최가인생개단사업적발전.
The age of 0 to 3 years is the children's critical period of physical, psychological and social adaptation ability development. This article describes a scientific basis coming from the research on the aspects of brain science and psychology. The medical research collaboration with national series for nearly 30 years has demonstrated that the early education can improve infants' developmental quotient and ability to adapt to society, and lay the foundation for the comprehensive development in the future. For premature infants and high-risk infants, the early intervention can prevent or reduce the mental retardation, and cerebral palsy disability, and improve the population quality in China. Meanwhile, some suggestions on the related education, health care reform and policy are put forward to ensure that health and education partnership shapes the best start in life.