Journal of Hechi University
rumors%the Revolution of 1911 era%Shenbao
辛亥革命时期的谣言是时代造就的产物,并在公众舆论中具有一定的影响力. 谣言作为一种社会文化现象,为剖析清末历史情状的视角之一. 辛亥革命时期,清政府固守专制传统,钳制舆论. 由于国家治理能力低效,对于谣言防控不力,加之地方上的天灾人祸,民智未开,给谣言的产生与传播培植了温床. 革命党人利用谣言,制造舆论优势,甚至刻意赞颂革命,离间清廷上下. 《申报》作为当时具有全国影响力的舆论媒体,刊登大量的谣言反映时代景象和民众的社会心理,不自觉地成为谣言发挥影响力的舆论载体. 而《申报》努力辟谣,追求新闻报道的真实性亦成为媒体自身发展的内在条件. 《申报》记载的谣言史料为窥探清末时期的社会文化提供了新的视野.
辛亥革命時期的謠言是時代造就的產物,併在公衆輿論中具有一定的影響力. 謠言作為一種社會文化現象,為剖析清末歷史情狀的視角之一. 辛亥革命時期,清政府固守專製傳統,鉗製輿論. 由于國傢治理能力低效,對于謠言防控不力,加之地方上的天災人禍,民智未開,給謠言的產生與傳播培植瞭溫床. 革命黨人利用謠言,製造輿論優勢,甚至刻意讚頌革命,離間清廷上下. 《申報》作為噹時具有全國影響力的輿論媒體,刊登大量的謠言反映時代景象和民衆的社會心理,不自覺地成為謠言髮揮影響力的輿論載體. 而《申報》努力闢謠,追求新聞報道的真實性亦成為媒體自身髮展的內在條件. 《申報》記載的謠言史料為窺探清末時期的社會文化提供瞭新的視野.
신해혁명시기적요언시시대조취적산물,병재공음여론중구유일정적영향력. 요언작위일충사회문화현상,위부석청말역사정상적시각지일. 신해혁명시기,청정부고수전제전통,겸제여론. 유우국가치리능력저효,대우요언방공불력,가지지방상적천재인화,민지미개,급요언적산생여전파배식료온상. 혁명당인이용요언,제조여론우세,심지각의찬송혁명,리간청정상하. 《신보》작위당시구유전국영향력적여론매체,간등대량적요언반영시대경상화민음적사회심리,불자각지성위요언발휘영향력적여론재체. 이《신보》노력벽요,추구신문보도적진실성역성위매체자신발전적내재조건. 《신보》기재적요언사료위규탐청말시기적사회문화제공료신적시야.
The rumors in the Revolution of 1911 era are the result of times and exert a great influence on the public opinions.Rumor is a social culture which grants a research view for the study of the Qing Dynasty histo-ry.During this period the Qing government defended the old traditions and suppressed the public opinions which re-sulted in the low national governance competence to monitor rumors.Besides, those natural and man-made disas-ters in the local and the people of least education produced a seedbed for the rumors' existence and spread.The revolution party members exploited the rumors to create an advantage of public opinions, mainly through painstak-ingly praising the revolution and alienating the whole Qing government.As one of the greatest influential news media, Shenbao on the one hand published many rumors to reflect the time phenomenon and the people' s social psychology;on the other hand made itself become the carrier of the rumors.The efforts from Shenbao to eliminate the rumors and its seeking for news truth also become the inner conditions of the paper' s development.The records of rumors by Shenbao supply a fresh view-sight for looking into the social culture in the period of late Qing Dynas-ty.