Journal of Shaanxi Administration School
young cadres%cultivate their morality%officialdom habits%a magic weapon of winning
随着国家公务员录用方式的改革,公务员队伍的更新换代加快,大批优秀高校毕业生相继走进党政干部队伍.关心爱护年轻干部,为他们营造良好的成长环境,使他们经受锻炼、健康成长、锤炼成才、堪当大任,是新形势下干部管理工作的一项重要内容,也是事关中华民族伟大复兴的战略性工程. 反观我国年轻干部成长成才现状,官场陋习的浸染同化是他们职业生涯时时面临的风险,也是伴随其一生的人生大考. 年轻干部要有效地抵御官场陋习的浸染同化,必须多管齐下、内外兼顾,优化年轻干部从政环境与加强年轻干部个人修养并重. 历史的经验告诉我们,严以修身是年轻干部抵御官场陋习浸染同化的制胜法宝.
隨著國傢公務員錄用方式的改革,公務員隊伍的更新換代加快,大批優秀高校畢業生相繼走進黨政榦部隊伍.關心愛護年輕榦部,為他們營造良好的成長環境,使他們經受鍛煉、健康成長、錘煉成纔、堪噹大任,是新形勢下榦部管理工作的一項重要內容,也是事關中華民族偉大複興的戰略性工程. 反觀我國年輕榦部成長成纔現狀,官場陋習的浸染同化是他們職業生涯時時麵臨的風險,也是伴隨其一生的人生大攷. 年輕榦部要有效地牴禦官場陋習的浸染同化,必鬚多管齊下、內外兼顧,優化年輕榦部從政環境與加彊年輕榦部箇人脩養併重. 歷史的經驗告訴我們,嚴以脩身是年輕榦部牴禦官場陋習浸染同化的製勝法寶.
수착국가공무원록용방식적개혁,공무원대오적경신환대가쾌,대비우수고교필업생상계주진당정간부대오.관심애호년경간부,위타문영조량호적성장배경,사타문경수단련、건강성장、추련성재、감당대임,시신형세하간부관리공작적일항중요내용,야시사관중화민족위대복흥적전략성공정. 반관아국년경간부성장성재현상,관장루습적침염동화시타문직업생애시시면림적풍험,야시반수기일생적인생대고. 년경간부요유효지저어관장루습적침염동화,필수다관제하、내외겸고,우화년경간부종정배경여가강년경간부개인수양병중. 역사적경험고소아문,엄이수신시년경간부저어관장루습침염동화적제성법보.
With the reform of the civil servants recruitment, the updating of the civil servants speeds up. A large number of excel-lent college graduates successively have walked into the Party group. It is urgent to care for young carders, create the growing environ-ment, which makes them undergo exercise, grow healthily in order to be responsible for their future life, which is also a matter of strate-gic projects of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. In fact, the state of the young cadres growing up in our country is not opti-mistic. They are always faced with the infection of officialdom assimilation. Young cadres should effectively resist bureaucratic habits disseminated assimilation, which is a big challenge. To effectively resist the infection of officialdom assimilation, young cadres must be multi-pronged, both inside and outside, optimize the environment of young cadres in politics and strengthen young cadres personal culti-vation. Historical experience tells us that to strictly cultivate their morality is a magic weapon of winning the battle against infection of officialdom assimilation among young cadres, so young cadres should be more strictly cultivate their morality.