Journal of Anyang Normal University
Henan Province%Cultural Tourism Scenic Spots%Tourist satisfaction%Investigation%Cross Analysis
河南省是文化资源大省,省内文化类旅游景区众多,对其进行游客满意度调查,有利于及时准确了解游客的需求和期望,把握游客对产品及服务的要求,提高旅游管理水平及综合竞争力. 本文以游客满意度为理论基础设计问卷,对河南省20个文化类景区进行大量调查问卷,进行实证研究. 首先对所有被调查景区进行总体满意度分析,其次对二十五项评价指标进行分析,最后将性别、年龄段、学历等分别与七大评价因素做交叉分析. 分析得出目前河南省文化旅游游客满意度处于基本满意水平,七大评价因素处于满意水平以上. 针对发现的问题提出改进的建议,如提高食、购、娱方面的水平,深挖文化内涵等,以期对河南省文化类景区游客满意度的提高做出贡献.
河南省是文化資源大省,省內文化類旅遊景區衆多,對其進行遊客滿意度調查,有利于及時準確瞭解遊客的需求和期望,把握遊客對產品及服務的要求,提高旅遊管理水平及綜閤競爭力. 本文以遊客滿意度為理論基礎設計問捲,對河南省20箇文化類景區進行大量調查問捲,進行實證研究. 首先對所有被調查景區進行總體滿意度分析,其次對二十五項評價指標進行分析,最後將性彆、年齡段、學歷等分彆與七大評價因素做交扠分析. 分析得齣目前河南省文化旅遊遊客滿意度處于基本滿意水平,七大評價因素處于滿意水平以上. 針對髮現的問題提齣改進的建議,如提高食、購、娛方麵的水平,深挖文化內涵等,以期對河南省文化類景區遊客滿意度的提高做齣貢獻.
하남성시문화자원대성,성내문화류여유경구음다,대기진행유객만의도조사,유리우급시준학료해유객적수구화기망,파악유객대산품급복무적요구,제고여유관리수평급종합경쟁력. 본문이유객만의도위이론기출설계문권,대하남성20개문화류경구진행대량조사문권,진행실증연구. 수선대소유피조사경구진행총체만의도분석,기차대이십오항평개지표진행분석,최후장성별、년령단、학력등분별여칠대평개인소주교차분석. 분석득출목전하남성문화여유유객만의도처우기본만의수평,칠대평개인소처우만의수평이상. 침대발현적문제제출개진적건의,여제고식、구、오방면적수평,심알문화내함등,이기대하남성문화류경구유객만의도적제고주출공헌.
Henan Province , which is full of cultural resources, has many culture tourism scenic spots .It is necessary to conduct an investigation of those spots , which will make a sense on knowing the tourists ' de-mands and expectations , grasping the tourist demand for products and services , improving the level of tourism management and comprehensive competitiveness .The questionnaire design is based on the theory of tourist sat-isfaction ,and the survey is conducted in 20 culture scenic spots of Henan Province to get data .First,the ana-lyses the overall degree of satisfaction .Second the article analyses the 25 evaluation indexes .Finally the arti -cle makes an cross analysis of the gender , the age, the education degree , the family income, the way of trav-elling , the origin of tourism market , the place of residence with seven evaluation factors to have a deep under-standing of the relationship of the different types tourists satisfaction with the seven major evaluation factors . For the problems , there are some suggestions , such as raising the level of food , shopping , entertainment , dig-ging the cultural connotation , and so on , it hopes that the article can make a contribution to the improvement of tourist satisfaction of Henan cultural tourism scenic spots .