Journal of Agricultural Mechanization Research
wheat precision seeding robot%image fusion%path planning%fuzzy control
为了提高小麦的产量,并且在作业过程中使播种机器人成功绕过障碍物,需要对小麦播种路径精细的规划. 为此,提出了一种新的路径规划方法,使用图像融合技术,结合模糊控制位移误差理论,实现了小麦播种机器人的自主路径规划. 为了测试该方法的有效性和可靠性,设计了一款具备高清摄像功能和 PC 图像处理功能的精密播种机器人,并对其路径规划和播种效率进行了测试. 结果表明:该机器人能够成功绕过障碍物,完成最优路径的规划,并在小麦播种过程中可以规划出近似矩形的播种路径. 从机器学习和播种时间上的对比发现:该算法可以有效地提高机器学习速度,缩短播种时间,从而提高了小麦播种的自动化水平和作业效率.
為瞭提高小麥的產量,併且在作業過程中使播種機器人成功繞過障礙物,需要對小麥播種路徑精細的規劃. 為此,提齣瞭一種新的路徑規劃方法,使用圖像融閤技術,結閤模糊控製位移誤差理論,實現瞭小麥播種機器人的自主路徑規劃. 為瞭測試該方法的有效性和可靠性,設計瞭一款具備高清攝像功能和 PC 圖像處理功能的精密播種機器人,併對其路徑規劃和播種效率進行瞭測試. 結果錶明:該機器人能夠成功繞過障礙物,完成最優路徑的規劃,併在小麥播種過程中可以規劃齣近似矩形的播種路徑. 從機器學習和播種時間上的對比髮現:該算法可以有效地提高機器學習速度,縮短播種時間,從而提高瞭小麥播種的自動化水平和作業效率.
위료제고소맥적산량,병차재작업과정중사파충궤기인성공요과장애물,수요대소맥파충로경정세적규화. 위차,제출료일충신적로경규화방법,사용도상융합기술,결합모호공제위이오차이론,실현료소맥파충궤기인적자주로경규화. 위료측시해방법적유효성화가고성,설계료일관구비고청섭상공능화 PC 도상처리공능적정밀파충궤기인,병대기로경규화화파충효솔진행료측시. 결과표명:해궤기인능구성공요과장애물,완성최우로경적규화,병재소맥파충과정중가이규화출근사구형적파충로경. 종궤기학습화파충시간상적대비발현:해산법가이유효지제고궤기학습속도,축단파충시간,종이제고료소맥파충적자동화수평화작업효솔.
In order to improve the yield of wheat , and makes a successful seeding robot around obstructions in the process of operation , we need to play a careful planning for wheat seeding paths .It puts forward a new method of path planning , the method USES image fusion technology , combined with fuzzy control displacement error theory , it realized wheat seeding robot autonomous path planning .In order to test the validity and reliability of the method , has designed a high-definition camera and PC image processing function of the precision seeding robot , and the path planning and the seeding efficiency was tested .Through test , found that the robot successfully bypass obstacles , complete the optimal path planning , and in the process of wheat sowing seeds can plan out the approximate rectangle path , from machine learning and sowing time on contrast , it was found that the algorithm can effectively improve the speed of machine learning , shorten the sowing time , which can improve the automation level and work efficiency of wheat sowing .