Journal of Agricultural Mechanization Research
corn planting%disc structure%slope angle%white noise%metering device%the qualified rate
为了提高玉米播种的合格率,降低单粒率、重播率和和漏播率,对玉米播种机的排种器结构进行了优化设计,并采用图像白噪声处理,提出了圆盘精密排种器的结构优化方法. 在排种器圆盘倾斜角度的设计优化过程中,为了提高玉米种子尺寸结构图像信号采集的准确度,引入了一种白噪声信号处理的倾斜角度和理论计算值进行结合,优化了排种器的结构. 为了测试该方法的有效性和可靠性,对排种器的播种性能进行了测试,通过测试发现,改进后的排种器在单粒率、重播率和漏播率性能上都优于普通方法设计的排种器,提高了玉米播种机的播种效果.
為瞭提高玉米播種的閤格率,降低單粒率、重播率和和漏播率,對玉米播種機的排種器結構進行瞭優化設計,併採用圖像白譟聲處理,提齣瞭圓盤精密排種器的結構優化方法. 在排種器圓盤傾斜角度的設計優化過程中,為瞭提高玉米種子呎吋結構圖像信號採集的準確度,引入瞭一種白譟聲信號處理的傾斜角度和理論計算值進行結閤,優化瞭排種器的結構. 為瞭測試該方法的有效性和可靠性,對排種器的播種性能進行瞭測試,通過測試髮現,改進後的排種器在單粒率、重播率和漏播率性能上都優于普通方法設計的排種器,提高瞭玉米播種機的播種效果.
위료제고옥미파충적합격솔,강저단립솔、중파솔화화루파솔,대옥미파충궤적배충기결구진행료우화설계,병채용도상백조성처리,제출료원반정밀배충기적결구우화방법. 재배충기원반경사각도적설계우화과정중,위료제고옥미충자척촌결구도상신호채집적준학도,인입료일충백조성신호처리적경사각도화이론계산치진행결합,우화료배충기적결구. 위료측시해방법적유효성화가고성,대배충기적파충성능진행료측시,통과측시발현,개진후적배충기재단립솔、중파솔화루파솔성능상도우우보통방법설계적배충기,제고료옥미파충궤적파충효과.
In order to improve the qualified rate of corn seed, decrease the rate of single grain rate, replay and and so-wing rate, leakage of corn seeder metering device structure has been optimized design, white noise and using image pro-cessing methods, the proposed plate precision metering device structure optimization method.In the design of the metering device disk tilt angle optimization process, in order to enhance the accuracy of maize seed size structure image signal ac-quisition, the introduction of a white noise signal processing angle is combined with the theoretical calculation value, op-timization of the structure.In order to test the validity and reliability of this method on the planting of performance were tested, by testing found that the improved seed metering device in a single grain rate, and leakage and sowing HFM can replay rate than the general design method of high precision metering device, improve the effect of planting corn seeder.