Journal of Agricultural Mechanization Research
corn-picking roll%tensile force%adaptive%Simulation
为了提高玉米拾穗装置拾穗的准确性,减少漏摘率、断穗率、籽粒破碎率等玉米收割效率的不利因素,设计了一种新的高精度玉米拾穗装置. 该装置利用玉米拾穗拉断力的变化对玉米拾穗过程的拾穗辊质心角速度进行准确监测,当产生漏摘率、断穗率、籽粒破碎时会发出警报,并利用计算机自适应网络原理,对拾穗辊的间隙进行自适应调节,提高了拾穗装置的拾穗精度. 为了验证装置优化设计的合理性,采用试验、理论分析和数值仿真模拟的方法对装置的采摘效率进行论证,利用 Pro/E 软件建立了拾穗装置的三维建模,根据拾穗过程拉断力的增大引起的质心角速度变化,使用ADMAS软件对玉米穗拾穗过程的角速度进行了仿真模拟,得到了和试验相吻合的角速度值. 将自适应高精度玉米拾穗装置和普通玉米穗采摘装置进行对比发现:高精度玉米穗采摘装置在降低漏摘率和断穗率方面都表现出了优良的性能,大大提高了玉米穗的采摘效率,为玉米自动化采摘机械的设计了技术参考.
為瞭提高玉米拾穗裝置拾穗的準確性,減少漏摘率、斷穗率、籽粒破碎率等玉米收割效率的不利因素,設計瞭一種新的高精度玉米拾穗裝置. 該裝置利用玉米拾穗拉斷力的變化對玉米拾穗過程的拾穗輥質心角速度進行準確鑑測,噹產生漏摘率、斷穗率、籽粒破碎時會髮齣警報,併利用計算機自適應網絡原理,對拾穗輥的間隙進行自適應調節,提高瞭拾穗裝置的拾穗精度. 為瞭驗證裝置優化設計的閤理性,採用試驗、理論分析和數值倣真模擬的方法對裝置的採摘效率進行論證,利用 Pro/E 軟件建立瞭拾穗裝置的三維建模,根據拾穗過程拉斷力的增大引起的質心角速度變化,使用ADMAS軟件對玉米穗拾穗過程的角速度進行瞭倣真模擬,得到瞭和試驗相吻閤的角速度值. 將自適應高精度玉米拾穗裝置和普通玉米穗採摘裝置進行對比髮現:高精度玉米穗採摘裝置在降低漏摘率和斷穗率方麵都錶現齣瞭優良的性能,大大提高瞭玉米穗的採摘效率,為玉米自動化採摘機械的設計瞭技術參攷.
위료제고옥미습수장치습수적준학성,감소루적솔、단수솔、자립파쇄솔등옥미수할효솔적불리인소,설계료일충신적고정도옥미습수장치. 해장치이용옥미습수랍단력적변화대옥미습수과정적습수곤질심각속도진행준학감측,당산생루적솔、단수솔、자립파쇄시회발출경보,병이용계산궤자괄응망락원리,대습수곤적간극진행자괄응조절,제고료습수장치적습수정도. 위료험증장치우화설계적합이성,채용시험、이론분석화수치방진모의적방법대장치적채적효솔진행론증,이용 Pro/E 연건건립료습수장치적삼유건모,근거습수과정랍단력적증대인기적질심각속도변화,사용ADMAS연건대옥미수습수과정적각속도진행료방진모의,득도료화시험상문합적각속도치. 장자괄응고정도옥미습수장치화보통옥미수채적장치진행대비발현:고정도옥미수채적장치재강저루적솔화단수솔방면도표현출료우량적성능,대대제고료옥미수적채적효솔,위옥미자동화채적궤계적설계료기술삼고.
In order to improve the accuracy of average corn Gleaner device , reduce the leakage rate , spike rate , the bro-ken rate of kernel of unfavorable factors such as corn harvest efficiency , design a high precision of new corn average de-vice .By means of the accurate monitoring of maize corn process average and average angular velocity changes of centroid Gleaner tensile force , when the leakage rate , breaking off spike rate and grain will alarm when broken , and using the theory of computer adaptive network , to adjust the clearance of gleaning and adaptive , improves the Gleaners device aver-age precision .In order to verify the rationality of optimization design of the device , by using the method of simulation ex-periment , theoretical analysis and numerical simulation of the device for picking efficiency argument establishes Gleaners device modeling using ProE software , according to the process of increasing average tensile force changes caused by the centroid of the angular velocity , angular velocity and use ADMAS software to process of maize ear average in the simula-tion, the angular velocity and the experiment is consistent with the value .Finally the adaptive precision maize and com-mon maize ear average device picking device for comparison , high precision of corn ear picking device in reducing the leakage rate and fault rate of picking spike shows excellent performance , greatly improving the corn ear picking efficien-cy,which can improve the technical reference for the design of automatic corn-picking machine .