Journal of Nanyang Normal University
Navier-Stokes equations%cylindrical coordinate system%axially-symmetry%singularity structure
研究了三维轴对称不可压缩Navier-Stokes方程解u( x,t)的奇异性结构理论。利用直接微分方法,推导建立了柱坐标系下Navier-Stokes方程的完整表示形式。假设流体的速度在点( x0,t0)达到最大值Q0= u( x0,t0),或者r u( x,t)在点( x0,t0)达到它的最大值r0 u( x0,t0),并且对Q0以及( x0,t0)作一个时空的尺度变换,则当r0 Q0充分大时,在一个给定的抛物型区域中,解u( x,t)在C2,1,αlocal 范数下趋向于一个非零的常向量。
研究瞭三維軸對稱不可壓縮Navier-Stokes方程解u( x,t)的奇異性結構理論。利用直接微分方法,推導建立瞭柱坐標繫下Navier-Stokes方程的完整錶示形式。假設流體的速度在點( x0,t0)達到最大值Q0= u( x0,t0),或者r u( x,t)在點( x0,t0)達到它的最大值r0 u( x0,t0),併且對Q0以及( x0,t0)作一箇時空的呎度變換,則噹r0 Q0充分大時,在一箇給定的拋物型區域中,解u( x,t)在C2,1,αlocal 範數下趨嚮于一箇非零的常嚮量。
연구료삼유축대칭불가압축Navier-Stokes방정해u( x,t)적기이성결구이론。이용직접미분방법,추도건립료주좌표계하Navier-Stokes방정적완정표시형식。가설류체적속도재점( x0,t0)체도최대치Q0= u( x0,t0),혹자r u( x,t)재점( x0,t0)체도타적최대치r0 u( x0,t0),병차대Q0이급( x0,t0)작일개시공적척도변환,칙당r0 Q0충분대시,재일개급정적포물형구역중,해u( x,t)재C2,1,αlocal 범수하추향우일개비령적상향량。
In this paper, the singularity structure theory of the incompressible three-dimensional axial symmetry Navier-Stokes equation is studied and the complete representation of the Navier-Stokes equation in the cylindrical coordinate system is derived through the direct differential method as well. If the flow speed reaches its maximum value Q0 = u( x0 ,t0 ) at the point ( x0 ,t0 ) , or if r u( x,t) reaches the maximum value r0 u( x0 ,t0 ) at the point ( x0 ,t0 ) , and a transformation of the scale of the space and time with the factor Q0 and the center ( x0 ,t0 ) is made, a tending to nonzero constant vector to C2,1,αlocal norm with u( x,t) can be worked out in a fixed parabolic cube, provided that r0 Q0 is sufficiently large.