Computer and Digital Engineering
图像实时解码%多个 DSP%网络通信%PCI
圖像實時解碼%多箇 DSP%網絡通信%PCI
도상실시해마%다개 DSP%망락통신%PCI
real-time image decoding%multiple DSP%network communication%PCI
随着图像传输技术的广泛应用,图像压缩解压能力直接影响系统的性能和指标。为了满足传输系统对实时性、高帧率、高图像质量的要求,研制了一套基于多 DSP + FPGA 的图像实时解码系统。该系统实现了对网络接口输入的PCM 信号进行接收、解包和解码,恢复出原始图像信息,并进行实时显示(显示包括 PAL 制式模拟视频显示和 PC 机上位机实时显示)与存储等功能。该系统设计已经成功通过测试,完成了系统实时性、高帧率、高图像质量等要求。
隨著圖像傳輸技術的廣汎應用,圖像壓縮解壓能力直接影響繫統的性能和指標。為瞭滿足傳輸繫統對實時性、高幀率、高圖像質量的要求,研製瞭一套基于多 DSP + FPGA 的圖像實時解碼繫統。該繫統實現瞭對網絡接口輸入的PCM 信號進行接收、解包和解碼,恢複齣原始圖像信息,併進行實時顯示(顯示包括 PAL 製式模擬視頻顯示和 PC 機上位機實時顯示)與存儲等功能。該繫統設計已經成功通過測試,完成瞭繫統實時性、高幀率、高圖像質量等要求。
수착도상전수기술적엄범응용,도상압축해압능력직접영향계통적성능화지표。위료만족전수계통대실시성、고정솔、고도상질량적요구,연제료일투기우다 DSP + FPGA 적도상실시해마계통。해계통실현료대망락접구수입적PCM 신호진행접수、해포화해마,회복출원시도상신식,병진행실시현시(현시포괄 PAL 제식모의시빈현시화 PC 궤상위궤실시현시)여존저등공능。해계통설계이경성공통과측시,완성료계통실시성、고정솔、고도상질량등요구。
Image processing technology is applied more and more widely ,image compression decompression ability di-rectly affect the performance of the system and index .To meet the requirements of the system real-time performance ,high frame rate ,high image quality ,develop image real-time decoding system is developed based on multiple DSP + FPGA .This system has realized the network interface input of PCM signal receiving ,unpacking and decoding ,restores the original image information ,the real-time display (display including PAL analog video real-time display and the PC software real-time dis-play) ,storage ,and other functions .This system design has passed the test successfully ,meets the requirements of the sys-tem real-time performance ,high frame rate ,high image quality ,etc .