Journal of Beijing Normal University (Natural Science)
Bos gaurus%endangered mammals%population status%conservation
野牛(Bos gaurus)主要分布于中国、印度、孟加拉、尼泊尔、不丹、越南、老挝、柬埔寨、泰国、缅甸和马来西亚。据评估,其全球种群数量约13000~30000头。在我国主要分布于云南省,1996—2000年的调查显示共有约480头,种群下降趋势严重,灭绝风险较大。栖息地丧失和破碎化、盗猎和非法贸易、种群衰退和杂交污染以及疾病和传染病是其主要威胁。建议加强野牛的生态学研究,加大栖息地保护力度,打击非法贸易并加强管理和监控,促进野牛种群的恢复。
野牛(Bos gaurus)主要分佈于中國、印度、孟加拉、尼泊爾、不丹、越南、老撾、柬埔寨、泰國、緬甸和馬來西亞。據評估,其全毬種群數量約13000~30000頭。在我國主要分佈于雲南省,1996—2000年的調查顯示共有約480頭,種群下降趨勢嚴重,滅絕風險較大。棲息地喪失和破碎化、盜獵和非法貿易、種群衰退和雜交汙染以及疾病和傳染病是其主要威脅。建議加彊野牛的生態學研究,加大棲息地保護力度,打擊非法貿易併加彊管理和鑑控,促進野牛種群的恢複。
야우(Bos gaurus)주요분포우중국、인도、맹가랍、니박이、불단、월남、로과、간포채、태국、면전화마래서아。거평고,기전구충군수량약13000~30000두。재아국주요분포우운남성,1996—2000년적조사현시공유약480두,충군하강추세엄중,멸절풍험교대。서식지상실화파쇄화、도작화비법무역、충군쇠퇴화잡교오염이급질병화전염병시기주요위협。건의가강야우적생태학연구,가대서식지보호력도,타격비법무역병가강관리화감공,촉진야우충군적회복。
The wild gaur (Bos gaurus)is a rare and most endangered species in China.This species is also listed in the IUCN Red Data Book as vulnerable and in Appendix I by CITES.Now wild gaurs are restricted to tiny,fragmented populations in areas of Southern and Southeastern Asia including China,India,Bangladesh, Nepal,Bhutan,Vietnam,Laos,Cambodia,Thailand,Myanmar and Malaysia.The global population is estimated to be 13 000 30 000 with a total of 5 200 18 000 mature individuals.A survey conducted by the Chinese government in 1996 2000 showed a total of 480 gaurs in Xishuangbanna and Puer of Yunnan Province. This paper reviews the population status and impacting environmental factors on the wild gaur by referring to both literature and field investigation in 2013. Currently, there are four major factors threatening the subsistence of wild gaurs:1 )habitat loss and fragmentation,2 )poaching and illegal trade,3 )population decline and hybridizing contamination,4)diseases including infectious diseases.Wild gaur population is declining continuously,the species is on the brink of extinction.The status of gaur population has drawn attention from scientists and governmental officers in recent years.Consequently some efforts have been made including constructing biological corridors between different habitats in which gaur habituated.However,the efficacy of those works is not easy to evaluate due to the lack of basic ecological knowledge about gaur.Thus, we suggest that a national survey on gaur population be carried as soon as possible,protection of existing habitat be strengthened,habitat fragmentation be prevented.Legislative enforcement and management and monitoring should be strengthened to encourage restoration of gaurs in the wild.